Als ob sie ihr beweisen wollten, dass sie es mit zwei Charakterköpfen zu tun haben wird. We've witnessed Jaqi even models with her daughters sometimes, and we're quite sure their dad could work the camera pretty well too! The Sun May 24, 2018 10:33am. Jaqi Clements este o mămică americană celebră pe rețelele de socializare: aceasta se mândrește cu cele mai frumoase gemene din lume - două fetițe superbe în vârstă de 9 ani. Chỉ sau một đêm, những hình ảnh dễ thương của hai cô bé đã thu hút nhiều người hâm mộ. Jaqi Clements shared this snap with her twin daughters Ava and Leah Credit: instagram In the snap twins Ava and Leah, 9, stand either side of their mum dressed in a pink monogrammed robe. So, Jaqi and Kevin Clements couldn’t have been happier when they discovered they not one but two little blessings. This photo that looks like it came straight from a magazine. Rodzinne podróże w pełnym wymiarze godzin Kiedy wszystkie dzieci Clements pracują w branży modeli, Jaqi i jej mąż Kevin mogą podróżować razem ze swoimi dziećmi. By the time Ava and Leah grew to be seven, they had developed personalities of their own. The twins came a bit earlier than the doctors expected, but everybody sighed a breath of relief after finding out that Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements … They were involved in several extracurricular activities like dance and swim. Użytkownicy Instagrama bardzo szybko przyjęli pięknie bliźniaczki. Jaqi and her husband Kevin Clements gave birth to a pair of gorgeous and healthy twins in 2010 and named the two girls Ava Marie and Leah Rose. Jaqi Clements/theclementstwins. Back in 2010, Jaqi and Kevin Clements welcomed their twin daughters to the world, turning their three-member family to five. Założyła na platformie Instagrama konto o nazwie “The Clements Twins”. Für Mutter Jaqi Clements war es erstmal faszinierend zu erleben, dass ihre Zwillinge trotz Frühstart in die Welt serh rpäsente Persönlichkeiten waren. As they’ve gotten older the young girls have developed an unparalleled beauty and thus attracted attention from all over the world. Stúlkurnar eru auðvitað alveg eins. Jaqi Clements/theclementstwins. Móðirin fær auðvitað sinn skerf af gagnrýni fyrir uppeldið og stúlkurnar sagðar sorgmæddar á myndunum. Towarzyszą im na przesłuchaniach i na sesjach zdjęciowych. Era Instagrama Po pierwszym sukcesie agencji Jaqi doszła do wniosku iż czas na media społecznościowe. As they’ve grown older the young girls have developed an unparalleled beauty and thus attracted attention from all around the world. Their beautiful genes are undeniably strong. Rachel Moore. Móðir þeirra, hin 37 ára gamla Jaqi Clements, þykir reyndar ótrúlega lík þeim og þótt þær líti kannski ekki út eins og þríburar mætti halda að hún væri systir þeirra. The Clements are indeed one good-looking family. And the Clements … Jaqi writes that another aspect of modeling the girls enjoy is that “They like spending time in the car with each other and with me… having some girl time together.” Jaqi Clements/Facebook With Mom as their manager, the twins are able to spend a lot of time with her, forming mother-daughter bonds that will last a lifetime. Szybko zdobyły 1000 obserwujących w ciągu zaledwie trzech miesięcy a liczba nadal rosła i rosła, osiągając szybko 3000 obserwujących. They welcomed their identical twins sooner than scheduled, but the girls were born beautiful and healthy. Năm 2017, khi cả hai bé đã 7 tuổi, chị Jaqi đã lập một tài khoản Instagram riêng cho các con. The Clements family -- which also includes Ava and Leah's brother and their mom, Jaqi -- are on a search for a life-saving bone marrow transplant for Kevin. Ảnh: Instagram The Clements Twins. Deși micuțele au milioane de admiratori, mama lor este adesea criticată pe KNOWN as The Clements Twins, two girls have become Instagram stars, aged just seven-years-old. Jaqi and her husband Kevin Clements delivered a pair of beautiful and healthy twins in 2010 and named the two girls Ava Marie and Leah Rose. Przejdź do następnej strony i zobacz jak …

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