I must be somebody. Photo Credit: Unsplash Even when God’s words seem so harsh and stark, Hagar rejoices, “You are the God who sees me. El Roi - The God Who Sees Johnny Hunt INTRODUCTION: We continue tonight with the series, ''LORD, I WANT TO KNOW YOU.'' He knows what is going on in your life; but more importantly, He knows what life is doing to you. Claim that promise, and “cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Gallery. Donate. Share 75. Date Preached: July 26 2020. You got Abraham a business man with herds, sheep and cattle and slaves working for … . Since God sees us every moment, we should... 1. Related. Play Pause. God sees me! Genesis • Sermon ... it also refers to a God who sees you and I. Sermon Prep. … I must have a purpose, El Roi. God sees me. Scholars disagree about how to interpret the Hebrew of the last sentence of verse 13. For other videos or information on the ministry visit www.ongoodground.org or find us on Facebook and YouTube! According to the laws of the day, if Abraham had a child with Hagar, it would be legally Abraham and Sarah’s child. Rejoice in our rewards from God (vs. 3-4, 6). . Pay attention to our attitudes (vs. 1-6). If God is “the-God-who-sees,” then what does God see when He looks at me? She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me.” — Genesis 16:13 H agar was a slave woman who belonged to Abraham and Sarah, a childless couple who wanted a son. That God does not discriminate. Post a comment. God sees the real you – the you that wants to hide, that struggles with pride or anger or lust or fear, that is tired of the masks and of trying harder. Jakes. No Upcoming Events Found. And they have been blessed. He sees all the little (or not-so-little) addictions you run to while trying to survive. We read in verses 15-16: So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne. 4. He sees you as an individual. El-Roi – The God Who Sees Me Genesis 16 takes us inside the trouble of a minister’s home. He sees everyone's actions—even those who wrong us. Sermon Central Share a Sermon; Try PRO Free; Help; Sign In; Sermons . Scripture attests to this beautifully: He sees every workplace, every family. God sees right where I am, God knows right where I am, God knows what I'm goin' through, God sees how I feel, God sees what's happening in my life. She threw her hands up and said, El Roi, God sees me! Blog Layout. x . Genesis 16:13, "She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me." It tells us that God is the God of … Play! Be generous givers (vs. 1-3). Be people of prayer (vs. 5-8). Rejoice, dear believer, God sees you! JEHOVAH-ROI: THE GOD WHO SEES Scripture: Acts 4: 32 – 5: 11. When our spouse injures us, yet we love and forgive, God sees. God! Oww! God sees me. Pin. We have seen already that the names of God show the character and attributes of God. Pastor Jeff Fannell shares a clip from this Mother's Day sermon, "The God Who Sees Me." As each parent tried to grab a few belongings and a child’s hand to get out of the house as quickly as possible, the little daughter who was holding the father’s hand, broke free … When I read the Bible and consider people like Enoch who walked with God, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, the prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Judges like Deborah, queen Esther, … 16 Abram was eighty-six years old when … Sermons; Sermon … I must be somebody, El Roi. When God met her in her distress, she said, “You are the God who sees me…I have now seen the One who sees me” (Genesis 16:13). Tweet. I thought to myself, see, some of you think you are not God's type. Cornerstone Mission Church, Sunday Sermon, June 7 2009. God Who Sees Me. I have talked to two moms this morning who said, "I didn't want to come. 5. 75 Shares. You don’t have to be a … There is Abraham, Sarah, and an Egyptian maid that Abraham bought for Sarah. Read sermon notes of preachers all around the world from our young team of writers - saving you time. El Roi: God Sees Me - Bishop T.D. Keith Simon will continue in our sermon series, Genesis: The Strange but True Story of Everything, teaching from Genesis 16:13 with a sermon titled, “The God Who Sees You”. Just like He sees us. An Egyptian slave, Hagar encountered God in the desert and addressed him as El Roi, "the God who sees me." 14 That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi ; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered. 13 She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me." I must have some value, El Roi. I’m asking God to bless you and I’m praying for you, right now to connect on a new and deeply personal level with the God who sees you. 15 So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne. Latest Sermon . So, if you are one of those moms, thanks for coming, because there are lots of reasons … I am very aware that Mother's Day isn't easy for some people. Notably, this is the only occurrence of El Roi in the Bible. Chris Anderson. You must be logged in to post a comment. One of the first things we … Recognize that we can always rely on God (vs. 7-8). EL ROI: The God Who Sees by Dr Gregory Magruder | July 29, 2018 Gregory Magruder Parkview Baptist Gainesville, FL 07/29/18 “El Roi: The God Who Sees" Genesis 16:1-16 INTRODUCTION: Names identify us and reveal who we are. Many answers could be given to this question. There is no situation He cannot discern. God sees me. Fache Oreoluwa Busayo • Sep 12, 2020 . When we pray to El Roi, we are praying to the God … God’s people are called to holiness and are accountable… Audio Library. [NEW] Easter Sermon Series. THEME: There is a deliberate contrast in this passage. God’s names describe God and draw us to worship … Bible study - Zephaniah on December 9, 2020; Translator (TAMIL) Translate » Upcoming Events. He SEES her, and “She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have seen by the One who sees me.’” (Genesis 16:13) And yes, she obeys and goes back. Truly, here I have seen Him who looks after me” (Genesis 16:13). 2. Not only does God see, but even better, God sees me, and in spite of my confusion and rebellion, He lets me get a glimpse of Him! Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. This phrase, “The God Who Sees Me,” is translated “El Roi” in Hebrew. In the Bible, God has names that reflect his nature, character, and power. There is a story of a family whose house caught fire. There is no place God can't see. Home; About; Blog; Contact; Partner; Subscribe to Sermons. In other words: the joy of knowing they are seen. Cancel Reply. It literally reads, “I have seen here after the One who saw me.” The expression is almost identical to Exodus 33:23, where God tells Moses that he will … The God Who Sees is a short film directed by Kathie Lee Gifford based on a song written by Gifford and Grammy-nominated, Nicole C. Mullen. Embed godspeach 1889 views 2012-05-09T08:54:46 When Sarah came up with a plan to give Abraham children by using Hagar, her emotions backfired … This name that Hagar gave to God applies to you and me. God Offers Me Blessing. The same “God who sees me” sees them in every rough turn and painful day. He sees it all. El Roi - the God who sees me will take care of all your tears,problems and worries , whenever u … She [Hagar] gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi [the “well of the Living One who sees me”]. She delivers a son named Ishmael (v. 15). God is looking at you right now. Donate/Online Giving. . And one thing unites nearly every recipient of a gift of handiwork: a tremendous gratitude that a stranger would take the time to make something they needed. El Roi: The God Who Sees Me The Names of God Midweek Service Killian Hill Baptist Church. She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered. I nearly didn't come." He sees exactly what you’re going through, because, to quote Hagar, “You are [El Roi] a God of seeing. Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore him … This is making me think of Ephesians chapter two that says you are no longer foreigners and strangers but you are citizens with the saints of God, members of the household of God, that he seeks out strangers. 4,614 total views, 2 views today. The basic issue is not only mission, but also how the church will function together as contributors to the cause and as community. Key scripture: Genesis 16:4-15. All sermons. I have now seen the One who sees me” (Genesis 16:13 NIV). | MP3 | RSS: Text-Featuring a sermon … The God Who Sees Me Sermon related files: 5b7ea996cfd290a277fd77e6c900ad49 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 1 / 1 The God Who Sees Me Sermon Sermon The Wisdom of God Romans 16 1 Corinthians 1, The Lord a God Merciful and Gracious Desiring God, God Called Us into Life and Hope Desiring God, Questions for God Keep Believing Ministries, Banned by HWA News and Observations About Armstrongism, A New Vision Of God In Turbulent Times Sermon by Otis - 3 God is Concern about the Whole World Isaiah sees … Mullen is featured as the narrator and performer as she journeys throughout the Holy Land recounting the stories of Hagar, Ruth and David during their wilderness experiences, and ending with Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem at … The name El Roi tells us… 2. “You are the God who sees me.” The well where God meets her even gets a new name: “Beer Lahai Roi,” which literally means “the well of the Living One who sees me.” Hagar obeys God, and she returns to Abram and Sarai. God Who Sees Me. “The God Who Sees ME” This is good news! Two weeks ago, I preached on the name ''Elohim - God Our Creator.'' Anyone Can Be a Blessing! "For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens" (Job 28:24). We saw: 1. He knows every detail of our circumstances. Heaviness and all, God does fulfill His promise to Hagar. The second thing Hagar’s story teaches us is: when I consistently choose faithfulness, the God who sees me offers me blessing. He sees you every minute of every day. El Roi (God Sees Me) - Bishop TD Jakes . El Roi is the God who numbers the hairs on our heads and counts our every tear. Share. So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne. Sermon Notes. 3 talking about this. We are studying the names of God. Sermon Illustration : God Always Sees You February 12, 2017 / Palitha Jayasooriya / 0 Comments. 3.

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