06-30-2020 08:14 AM. Connect to Exchange Online using the Powershell command below, adjust the values accordingly. Go back to your Azure Admin Center, go to the App Registration, navigate to the Certificates & secrets pane and upload the certificate file. The script must run silently or in an unattended mode. The main advantage of this way of running PowerShell scripts is that you don’t need to copy the PS1 script file to remote computers. Note: the script is run on a trusted box. Unattended login to Azure isn’t that easy, especially if you want to add a PowerShell script to the task scheduler. alexpilotti Removes Cloudbase-Init setup from the specialize step. The certificate will be created in the directory where you’re running the script from. Please create a custom role or assign a less privileged role according to your needs. After many trial and errors and re-reading the Microsoft documentation I've finally worked out how to run Batch and PowerShell scripts in an unattended Windows installation. The location of the credential files (which doubles as the directory to put its log files to), a vCenter IP/FQDN and one or … That batch file is called just after OOBE/WinSetup has run and before the first login screen appears. If you take a look below you will see the syntax on How to run a powershell script silently simply replace the path and filename with your path and your powershell file name. I have created a `autounattend.xml` Answer File with some simple parameters such as formatting the disk, creating partitions and selecting the version of Windows to install etc, and then using the `reseal` parameter to log the computer into Audit Mode automatically after the initial installation and bypassing the OOBE screen. This feature requires version 2.0.3-Preview or later of the EXO PowerShell V2 module, available … The Exchange Team recently announced the Public Preview availability of running unattended scripts using Modern Authentication leveraging the Exchange Online Powershell V2 Module. Even when the connection to Exchange Online PowerShell uses modern authentication, the credentials are stored in a local file or a secret vault that's accessed at run-time. VB scripts can be run in the user context with no visible window at all. Click on the role you’d like to use, navigate to “Assignments” and assign the application to the role. After the successful authentication validation, it … Go to file T. Go to line L. Copy path. The second one is a bit more complicated to setup but if your scripts need access to a profile or desktop for installation/execution there is a spot in the unattend.xml script for run at first login. That is a message in the Windows System log on the server: This feature provides customers the ability to run non-interactive scripts using Modern Authentication. Make sure to make the permission effective by clicking “Grant Admin Consent”. If you’re not yet aware of these changes, I recommend you to read the following article and make sure you’ll be ready for these upcoming changes and don’t run into any surprises. I soloved my problem using a couple of Powershell scripts for a scripted unattended install and wanted to share them with the community. Customers who currently use Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets in unattended scripts should switch to adopt this new feature. on Today, we are happy to announce the Public Preview of a Modern Auth unattended scripting option for use with Exchange Online PowerShell V2. Use this step to run the specified Windows PowerShell script. I would like to point the path parameter of `RunAsynchronousCommand` to the Scripts folder the `$OEM$` folder creates but nothing ever seems to work. I have some custom scripts that I have written to customise Windows 10 such as removing bloatware and setting file explorer options via Registry Editor that I use to apply to all users and/or the system. Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Since the EXO V2 module is going to be installed using the PowerShellGet module, make sure it is installed or updated to the latest version. Because both operating systems are end-of-life, I will not be covering this. Run unattended. Also be aware of the old and new Cmdlets that are available to you. Create a self signed certificate using the following Powershell script. Now that you’ve created the app registration and assigned the permissions we need, we can now go ahead and connect to Exchange Online using Modern Authentication. If you want it to run silently in the background your batch file would look something like this. This new approach uses AzureAD applications, certificates and Modern Authentication. This unattended script authentication uses Azure AD applications, certificates, and Modern authentication. It must not initiate a restart on its own. Set shell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") shell.Run command,0. You will notice that the last command/script in the is a reboot. If Modern Authentication is enabled and MFA is not enabled is it still possible to use user/pass credentials in an unattended Powershell script, or is it always necessary to use an App registration when Modern Authentication is enabled ? So in regards to number 2 above look at this section   and and . Please note that assigning permissions is not real time and it might take some time to become effective. The command above should only be used to test your connection to Exchange Online. Run Add-AzAccount or Connect-AzAccount or Login-AzAccount command. We all love Powershell and most of us have unattended scripts in place to automate things for us. Previous experience, I've used Windows Deployment with MDT to deploy scripts after deploying Windows Image. by 2. Re-open your Powershell window after editing the execution policy and install the Preview version of the EXO V2 module. I'm looking for help with Windows System Image Manager specifically as this is where I'm creating the unattend files. Within the `$OEM$` folder on my installation media is the following directory structure `$1\Scripts`, and this contains various Batch and PowerShell scripts. Today, we are happy to announce the Public Preview of a Modern Auth unattended scripting option for use with Exchange Online PowerShell V2.This feature provides customers the ability to run non-interactive scripts using Modern Authentication. You will get an error message like: 1 In Windows System Image Manager there is the `RunAsynchronousCommand` component found under `amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Deployment_10.0.19041.1_neutral` which can only be added to `Pass 6 auditUser`. Next we must upload the ps1 script from your local device, simply click the folder icon next to the Script location field and choose your PowerShell script. Make sure to renew the certificate in time so your scripts will not stop working. With everything all working, do I need to remove any of the `Reseal` properties from the Answer File? EXO V2 Powershell module to the rescue! Long story short; if you want to be using the most secure and modern way of running unattended scripts and want to be prepared towards the future, this is the way to go! No username/password will be sent using Basic Authentication, it will only be used to transport the session’s oAuth token. Make a.bat file that when launched will open powershell and run the command. For this script to execute you must be using VL installation media and sysprep the golden image. You can open an interactive session with the Enter-PSSession cmdlet (One-to-One Remoting). It was calling an invoke command, which started a new session on the TFS Build Server (where the build agents are). Please make sure you know the password, since you’ll be needing this later. With the set to 1 it will only auto login the very first time the computer comes out of OOBE/Winsetup then it will stop at the login prompt afterwards. So now you can run the UNMAP script! Assign the application with the required permissions by going to Roles and Administrator from within the Azure AD Admin Center. In my example I will assign the Global Administrator role. Additionally, I use an `unattend.xml` file located in `$OEM$\$$\System32\Sysprep` within the installation media to finish the installation after I leave Sysprep and restart the computer. Go to file. There is an additional symptom if I attempt to run the PowerShell script unattended when the user is not a in the server's local Administrators' group. Essentially I have two unattend Answer Files split into two parts so I'm not actually sure if this is the correct way of doing it, but it seems to work well. The caveat here is that it is very important you get your switches correctly. The manuel is very good but I cannot do the last step. This VBS frame will cause the PowerShell script to work silently; it will no longer display any cmd window. 1. As mentioned in my blog, I would recommend you using a role that only has the permissions you need. So those commands will be used at the first windows login. You can find detailed step-by-step instructions available here. It’s simple to create and use sessions using this new feature. To configure the script to run, we need to set a user with local admin permission to run the script. Assign the Exchange permission “Exchange.ManageAsApp”. 1 contributor. Within the `$OEM$` folder on my installation media is the following directory structure `$1\Scripts`, and this contains various Batch and PowerShell … Please make sure that you do not store your password as plain text in a production environment. Right click on the computer object and select run script). Set objShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell") objShell.Run ("powershell.exe -WindowStyle hidden -File MyScript.ps1"),0 Below are the contents of my two Answer Files located on my installation media: "http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE", Correct way to run scripts in automatic unattended Windows installation, https://forums.fogproject.org/post/112435. Check the documentation if you need more information. I thought the solution was -WindowStyle Hidden but it still displays a window. In order to be able to use our script, we must first create an app registration in the Azure AD Admin Center. Note the selections available you: Run this script using the logged on credentials – the default is No which runs the script in the system context, however you may wish to switch to run as the currently logged on … Securing your environment with Azure AD Conditional Access, Bulk activate Token2 Hardware OATH Tokens with Azure MFA, Exchange Online Protection vs. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection, winrm set winrm/config/client/auth @{Basic=”true”}, Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force, Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -AllowPrerelease -Force, .\Create-SelfSignedCertificate.ps1 -CommonName “MyCertificate” -StartDate 2020-08-09 -EndDate 2022-08-09, Connect-ExchangeOnline -CertificateFilePath “” -CertificatePassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String “” -AsPlainText -Force) -AppID “” -Organization “”, Connect-ExchangeOnline -CertificateThumbPrint “” -AppID “” -Organization “”, Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2. firewire10000 I had to simply use the Specialize pass in the answer file with `amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Deployment_neutral > RunSynchronous > RunSynchronousCommand` and then use the … Installation tests where performed with Splunkbeta 5.0. * |out-file c:\users\ttanasovski\scripts\test.txt""". To install the EXO V2 module Preview release, run the below cmdlet. I changed this. Give the script a Name, select the language as PowerShell and then copy and paste the script above (Tip: In the top right corner of the script block you can click Copy Script Text). Some people may have embedded a password into their scripts, but that will stop working in mid 2021 when Microsoft retires basic authentication in Office 365. After all prerequisites are met, you can continue with installing the EXO V2 Preview module. If you wish to run a script file with PowerShell, you have to change the execution policy on Windows 10. If the script doesn't need desktop or profile access then in the setupcomplete.cmd batch file. If you get an error stating something along the lines of "Powershell' is not recognized~" you can firstly and simply run CD /D "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0" and then run the PowerShell commands with applicable parameters and such directly afterwards until you get your environmental variables straightened out otherwise. In Windows System Image Manager there is the `RunAsynchronousCommand` component found under `amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Deployment_10.0.19041.1_neutral` which can only be added to `Pass 6 auditUser`. Please make sure you’re trying this from the “Roles and Administrators” page. If you’ve followed it step-by-step, you should be able to do this. If you currently do not have MFA enabled (using Conditional Access), I would highly recommend you doing this. In most cases, these unattended scripts access Exchange Online PowerShell using Basic authentication (a username and password). I can tell you two places where we run scripts during image deployment. My scripts have all been tested in Audit Mode (CTRL, SHIFT + F3 from the OOBE screen) and they work perfectly fine for any proceeding user that uses the system once it's in normal working order. Running the Unattended UNMAP Script. Global Administrators might no be the best choice in your situation. Introducing PowerShell Remoting ^. To use them you will need to setup autoadmin login and define a user account that has admin level rights (usually needed for configuration scripts) and password that the first login scripts can use. As you should already be aware of, Microsoft will be deprecating Basic Authentication for it’s Microsoft 365 services during the second half of 2021. To install the EXO V2 Powershell Preview Module, please make sure the system you’re using is running on one of the following operating systems; Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows 7 SP1 with Windows Remote Management 5.1 and .NET Framework 4.6 is also supported. Their … Posted in Uncategorized, Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server, Windows Server 2012 R2 … Thoughts about Microsoft 365, Exchange, Powershell and Azure. After many trial and errors and re-reading the Microsoft documentation I've finally worked out how to run Batch and PowerShell scripts in an unattended Windows installation. unattended-setup-scripts/Autounattend.xml. The unattended UNMAP script still needs some input. shell.Run command,0 Save the script as .vbs file. You must authenticate the device and type in Azure credentials in the pop-up dialog box. Open the PowerShell console. Navigate to the “API Permissions” pane and click “Add a premission”. PowerShell. When running unattended, this would require you to save credentials locally which is not considered to be really secure. Enter a recognizable name for the App Registration and click the Register button. Instead connect using the Certificate Thumbprint or use the password in a safe way. When a VB script calls PowerShell.exe with -WindowStyle Hidden the brief console pop up is completely suppressed. If the value of Basic is set to false, please run the following command in a command prompt in order to enable it. Run PowerShell Script. The Certificate should be in the Personal Store of the user that will be running the script. An alternative is the Invoke-Command cmdlet, which allows you to run remote commands on multiple computers (which is why it is called … The most critical part in scheduling PowerShell scripts is to configure them to run regardless if we are logged in to the machine or not. To change the execution policy to run PowerShell scripts… To automate Exchange Online PowerShell login, you need EXO V2 PowerShell module version 2.0.3 preview or later version. Nowadays we use all sorts of scripts to create new user mailboxes, shared mailboxes, reporting and so on. I have a sanitized version of my unattend.xml script here: https://forums.fogproject.org/post/112435 Don't just copy and paste my unattend.xml because it has been tailored to work with FOG, so the disk creation parts have been left out of my file. Dim shell,command. Run a Powershell script as a scheduled task completely silent (no GUI/window/etc) I want to run a Powershell script as a scheduled task but dont want to display any window at all. Only assign permissions that you’ll actually need. This is where you might place commands to activate windows, run some system specific configurations and such. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Their solution uses Azure AD Applications, certificates and Modern Authentication. When it comes to managing remote computers with PowerShell, you have essentially three options. Anyone else have any ideas? The script must meet the following criteria: It shouldn't interact with the desktop. Learn how your comment data is processed. This sets up a new local administration account and password that logs automatically into the desktop. So I copied your suggestion and I still get the same popup, here is the full script: #PowerShell Script to copy files from SCCM to the local machine in to the following: C:\Windows\Software Install #Next the script will uninstall the current version of Global Protect and delete the directory in Program files #Reinstall the new version of global protect … I would now like to automate the installation completely so that the scripts I currently manually run in Audit Mode execute without any user intervention. I moved the script itself to the TFS Build Server and am using "Run Powershell script on a remote server" now to execute it there. These scripts use Basic Authentication but as Microsoft has announced, this will be no longer available to us as of second half 2021. You will see that Plain Text password do not work, and it doesn’t work with the “CredentialManager” module either. If I try to assign the app to the global admins it is not available. The script works fine. If you get a warning “The client cannot connect (…)” please make sure the Windows Remote Management Service is running. These scripts use Basic Authentication but as Microsoft has announced, this will be no longer available to us as of second half 2021. The identities that you use for running scripts, are mostly highly privileged that you want to have as secure as possible. Latest commit d82a560 on Oct 28, 2013 History. If these need to be specific to the user running the script do NOT use -noprofile. Nov 24, 2020 at 12:41 UTC. The -command switch is followed by the location of your PowerShell script - give the full path here (my PS script is on C:\Users\howtoforge\Desktop and is called loop.ps1). The script must request a restart using the standard restart code, 3010. From the Task Scheduler main menu, right-click on the task and click properties. I had to simply use the Specialize pass in the answer file with `amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Deployment_neutral > RunSynchronous > RunSynchronousCommand` and then use the following paths: Windows System Image ManagerSpecialize pass - Batch script. However every time the script is called it the powershell window pops up until the script runs and closes automatically, This could be a problem when I would have call the exchange powershell script for 100 users at a given time to create mailboxes, as there will be 100 powershell windows opening and closing. To check if it’s enabled, please open a command prompt and run the following command; The return should contain a value “Basic = True”. This is a great announcement as we can now edit our scripts to make sure it keeps working and uses the most modern and secure way possible to connect to Exchange Online. Use PowerShell to Connect to Exchange Online unattended in a Scheduled Task If you have MFA enabled, how do you connect to Exchange Online in an unattended script, like a Scheduled Task? PowerShell.exe -windowstyle hidden "C:\Scripts_Folder\Your-Script-Name.ps1". The Exchange Team recently announced the Public Preview availability of running unattended scripts using Modern Authentication leveraging the Exchange Online Powershell V2 Module. Please make sure you have the Application Identifier of the application you’ve created noted. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Because I'm using two-part Answer Files, should I be placing `RunAsynchronousCommand` into my `autounattend.xml` or `unattend.xml` Answer File? Also make sure Basic Authentication is (temporarily) enabled for Windows RM (it is enabled by default). Jump into the Script section in MEMCM (Software Library > Scripts) and click Create Script from the ribbon. For example, to run the c:\ps\tune.ps1 script on three remote servers, you can use the following command: Invoke-Command -FilePath c:\ps\tune.ps1 -ComputerName server1,server2,server3. Please make sure your Powershell execution policy is set to “Remote Signed”. Marked as answer by Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen MVP Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:31 AM. command = "powershell.exe -nologo -command ""dir c:\users\ttanasovski\scripts\*. \_(ツ)_/ Hi There. I would honestly say there was something with the invoke command that was breaking it.

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