The people around you who are telling you, you are not supposed to kill them, might be people in your life, or unconscious aspects of yourself that do not want to see you empowering yourself. The first dream was of me milking a venomous snake with large fangs of its venom into a jar. ❗ , I had a dream that I was on the beach on a tub holding a baby. Being human sucks to me in some ways. It’s always the same dream, in this dream it looks like I’m on the west coast of Canada but I know I’m not. Sometimes I see them (in my dreams) in parks a lot like sea world, but they are either breaking free and jumping into the ocean or I am late for the viewing shows, or the pools are filled with dark, dirty water and I can’t see them. It wasn’t until I was sharing your dream with my mother that it struck me what your dream may have meant. I was dreaming about something else when I heard screams out in the water. As an adult, I’m definitely not trying to swim with whales anytime soon, but they will always be my favorite animal. It was reminiscent of the sadness you’d feel at a funeral for someone you were close to. The killer whales had grown and grown and weren’t happy they wanted to break free they were going to swim and spin the room until it broke. She went directly to the younger brother and took a bite from his right foot, biting his toes off. I was also running away from people that wanted to harm/keep me. I often wonder what it will take to move towards a better future, but something about that dream told me there is a way that I am heading towards, even though it’s all unkown to me. I don’t no if means anything or was just a weird dream but lately Iv been having loads of mad stuff happening. So it had come back to me. Anyway, this past year I have been dealing with a painful breakup/divorce… and it is the first time ever where my ex shows up in an orca dream. Its hard for me to remember all the details of these dreams because I rarely remember a whole dream once I wake up. I hope someone can help me with this? That’s when I started applying for work and when I found the right place for me I had a dream about a superpod and about orcas in celebration at the bountiful fish in front of them. I had the same dreamdream awhile ago about being in a newly built building with but with lots of windows. Author says the damage to these animals in the name of entertainment … Maybe a part of you sees this process as illegal or threatening to yourself, because you have not played the powerful strong role, strong boundaries person before. I floated into what looked like a lazy river. The very same necklace i had lost when i was a kid. We got away, but only to another area where there were more orcas who were trying to attack us. This dream went on for quite sometime, with us floating and watching them. .. as a child i was memorized by marine life and when i finally had learned about this animal its kind of made its appearance in my life more then once in many different ways aside from the dreams. Read More. Then I woke up. I went outside and it was a pool connected and it would go over there to swim. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) “Look for the helpers” – Celebrities helping out amid Texas storm This happened to me too and I initially feared the Orcas because I could feel their immense power and it scared (and excited) me, especially in those dreams where I had close contact or was in the water with them. I poked it to see if it was still alive. In my dream last night, I was back in my hometown where we have a basin that flows out to the Bay of Fundy. I dreamt o took in a baby orca and looked after it until someone found out and the orca grew and grew and the house filled with water it became the room of water in the dream I was trapped I can still feel the way I was trapped in the room. For example, the etymology of Pokémon is the phrase Pocket Monsters.While some Pokémon names are quite obvious, many have obscure backgrounds. i was honored by his presence and conforting feeling. A trapdoor (circular/spiral) in the bottom of the pool opened up and the orca came through it. Suddenly off to my left I saw a big orca in a huge white plate. Thankyou. They were throwing the dead bodies up into the air like seals. Orchard Then the fascination died down a bit and in that time I started dreaming about orcas. As a punishment, some security guys pulled the orca to land, up the stairs that divided the audience seats, to a platform above and behind the audience seats and they killed it. What was sad, they had black oil coming out of their mouths. I had a dream today that I was on a beach with my mother. fate cannot be controlled but destiny can be manifested. In my dream I was sat in what I think was a classroom but I was in America somewhere possibly Florida. The Devilkin kit includes the TFV12 Prince tank and the Devilkin from SMOK. But I no longer get any joy in killing a mosquito. I got scared because I was holding a baby, so it stopped and disappeared. I’ve got a question: Do you feel like you need to go somewhere? The attack was after u consciously decided to stop and react by looking to others for help or guidance. She is the daughter of Morgan Fey, who lost her claim to the title of Master to her younger sister Misty. I do not think they are my spirit animal. This ferocious, determined little beast would be fearless in … An orca is a very powerful animal naturally anyone would be intimidated. The trainer’s younger brother (just a child) was there too and he didn’t listen to his older brother and so he didn’t get out of the pool. 2. i was in a beach house and a killer whale came all the way to the shore and I thought to myself it couldnt come to where I was but it grew legs and walked to me and told me its time to go. …. May you also continue to listen to your deep inner call to soothe the same calls in the souls of others! They made no sound, no movement, nothing. I can’t wait to tell them!”, I dream about Orcas every now and then. Im not sure what to make of this. I was so happy and calm and I remember wanting to tell my parents about it, like thinking to myself “my parents will never believe it! On a side note I really don’t like dolphins and orcas they make me uneasy in real life as well. It was amazing I woke up feeling so happy. Just as we’re not always aware that we’re dreaming during sleep, we’re also not always aware when we are living a dream in our waking state. I was staring off into a sunrise, and it was cloudy and gray with a hint of soft purples. I know this means something but idk what!? I had seen the movie Free Willy several times when I was a child but I didn’t know very much about them or the extent of their struggles. What a beautiful world!! And I’m horrified. It was amazing I woke up feeling so happy. I had this dream 2 years ago that i was standing alone in a shore and i saw this creature swimming towards me with very fast speed. In later dreams I made similar journeys to the Pacific and once an Orca showed me large painting of his ancestors on a rock face. I was a wearing a pink woolen sweater. Thank you! So we started to swim toward shore. I just know that I felt deeply sad when I woke up, and I’ve been weepy and crying a lot since then. It’s a recurring dream, I have never been able to communicate with them other than to know of their interest. Orca medicine teaches excellence in leadership, teamwork, and communication. You also dream while you’re awake, living out your dream. One in particular I am at my cottage on a lake, watching fish swim under my dock and come out as orcas on the other side. This is purely my interpretation and I hope it resonates with you… Not long after that (I was 23 by this time) I went on a trip to Vancouver and I saw a painting with that same image at a street market while I was there. This means if a mosquito attempts to injure me by biting me, it is self-defence to kill it. I’ve begun having this reoccurring dream. I had a dream not so long ago where I was with friends on this raft that seemed to deteriorate amd get thinner and thinner until where I say was no more than a coat and I fell deep underwater, way out in the middle of the ocean and everything was clear until a pod of orcas came towards me I was calm but uncertain how they’d react to me they swam past and then a minute later a pod of dolphins swam past me too when I was alone in the ocean again I looked to my left and there was a massive wall of rock and on each rock that stuck out was a wild animal such as an elephant and a giraffe and I’m not sure what this means because this was still under water and I could breathe and so could the elephants giraffes and lions. The Orca now being your middle way leads you to the beach or coming back to your true inner nature. All he wanted was me to hold his face against my chest and play. Magical. I can’t believe they’re my totem. Maybe you are feeling yourself being pulled by your Deeper or Higher Self. Growing up I alway said I’d be a marine biologist. I am a little fearful, I have heard that an orca has grabbed it’s trainer by the foot and dragged them under (I despise that they are still in captivity). Wolf-represents Humility and Compassion. The totem is often, as in my case given to you by your elders, but if you read the book “Animal speak” By Ted Andrews, it will direct you to how to find your spirit guides. Two days later, I dreamed of standing in a nondescript place and this orca kept leaping into the air over and over and over, splashing me with water over and over and over. Even the dreams. I was showing my fiance around town, and we had taken a tiny boat in the basin. High school was a very difficult time for me and I battled with a constant deep sadness. Spy hopping in and out of the water, checking out what we are. This site is intersting to me and I am pleased to know I am not the only person who dreams this regularly. It was getting harder to stay floating flat on the water but I was aware that I didn’t want to be upright as too much of me would be too deep into the water. Im a fairly big dude who looks like a typical “manly man” but ill be the first one to cry in a movie. My main feeling throughout this dream was fear. I’ve never really known what to make of the dream, but it still impacts me with comfort. I kept dunking my head under to see underwater and then I noticed a pod of orcas coming up behind us. But they keep appearing in my dreams. When I was young, I loved orcas, but grew out of it with age. All 3?saved me?? You may be called to them as well. As I walked from one side of the room to the other she followed me making eye contact the whole time. And doing it gracefully so, that others would consider you a leader for conquering the self in solitude which they fear. What could this mean? It never said a word but cloud here it say “we are safe”…. Furthermore it also goes to say: respect the laws of Nature which includes Yin and Yang, it might just save you!! Im thinking that I hope I dont dream them anymore because I dont like the anxiety it gives me when Im dreaming of them. To see an orca in your dream indicates that you need to be more social or more vocal about something. Usually I’m in the water feeling scared, but they don’t end up harming me & there was nothing to be scared about. ... Wolf Symbolism & Wolf Meaning | The spiritual meaning of wolf represents freedom, endurance and forging new paths Wolf is a symbol of companionship and loyalty. Wow, that’s very powerful and beautiful, thank you for sharing that. i had the same dream, if you found an interpretation to that please, mail me, thanks. Those that I can remember have always puzzled me until something in life happened to sort of explain the dream, as if the dreams were a type of warning or guide for things that were to come. The second I did, I felt a rush of cold all over my body, cold enough to wash away anything I felt, and then I woke up. The orcas looked like they were blending in with the water, and all I could see were their white spots. He had no idea what it i told him about it,and about the one i lost . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I felt that if I got in the water she would take me under. It always seems to be just one, he/she is never with their family for some reason. It’s interesting as in my waking life I’m not all that fascinates by them. Maybe it is about going on a Solo journey and Finding yourself, in attempt to love thyself and make peace with the self in the glory of thyself. I wish I knew what it all meant but I don’t. The Orca then tried to break the window by biting and tapping on it, he succeeded to open it once but I made haste to close it. There are probably alot of other symbols I’m missing in my life as well. The sun was starting to set by then, and I remember watching the gray-scale sky turn that nice soft purple again. I have also dreamed about other sea creatures, very weird dream. so…yeah…any ideas what to learn here? Out of nowhere an orca comes up to the surface right next to us. Then the old black woman in the front gave me a sad look and said telepathically I know you don’t understand this but you will soon. So I know it was one of my spirit animals calling out to me. If someone cannot take to reading someone else’s story, for whatever reason, they can just move along their merry way to another story. I came here to read comments to get a better understanding of why killer whales are in my dreams. As I turned around to find out what the barrier was for, I saw an ocra jumping out of the water and nearly hitting me. I do not want them to be so interested in me. They know how to stay on track with their life path. Hi I had a dream lastnight that I was in our new batch on the water and we had a hole in the floor open to the sea, and when I looked deep into the water a orca appeard I then reached to touch it and then a whole lot more appeared it was amazing I could talk to them and feed them it just took my breathe away, it felt so peaceful and I enjoyed ever moment of it. But i feel like they’re trying to ask us for help. My mom got swept to shore by a wave. There are also two dreams that stand out. I am now an elder, and I believe that Orca is likely one of yours. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes spiritual guidance. You are ready to confront your emotions and make the connection between the conscious and subconscious aspects of yourself. I dreamt that I was driving down a road on a bright sunny day. Maybe this dream was triggered by the recent death of Granny from J Pod our oldest Orca here in Washington, as well as the recent death of Tilicum and the closing of sea worlds whale show. So I’ve never really been super interested in orcas, but they’ve been everywhere throughout my life and I’m only now realizing it. I was also playing with their teeth. Everyone around me kept say its illegal to hunt dir whales and my only response was “not if you’re surviving on them” Not sure what’s that’s suppose to mean. This single Orca in my dream seemed to be there for hours. I have always loved orcas since I was a little girl, I even got an orca tattooed on me when I was 18. I’ve just had a dream where I saw a single Orca trying to kill me by attempting to grab my leg from the window (I was hiding in some kind of house but the ocean was right next to it and I was forced to close the window shut. Because that is maybe just what the overall yin-yang balance need to be restored in the Universe. Rarely do I have dreams that involve animals, so I was surprised when I woke up. I quickly turned around and now I’m on foot and trying to get out of the way or whatever might be coming so, I moved to the left. I have had a similar dream but I had to follow the orca through a tunnel deep underwater, at first I was scared but I could breathe and then I felt calm. Part of this empowering process might also mean having stronger boundaries. Sometimes its a pool, sometimes its an ocean. Though Pearl and … Why was I not warned about a loved one that passed away, why was I not warned about people around me getting sick? It was in the midst of a divorce and the grief of losing the dream being a family. Then few years later living in Florida (i was living in NJ when i lost it) i come home from a friend ‘s house and there on the kitchen table there it sat. Kom gerust langs en praat mee! The dread of it was that you knew at the end of … teaching us of the balance of light and dark. Not sure. I looked up orca totem and it is accurate with what is going on with me now. I argued with her and felt like I needed to escape the center with my siblings. Also when I visited Paris just taking tourist photos I saw what looked like a dolphin flying in the sky when I examined the photos later. When I cam back I was crazy about marine life and I wanted to do everything I could to protect them and their habitat. I swam under water to get back up to shore and watched them play. Hi Hope, it might mean that whatever you are going through in your life right now, it is essential for your survival that you embrace the power that an orca or killer whale represents to you, or any other qualities that you associate with them. Ever since I was 6 I’ve always been fasinated with orcas. great peace, Meegwetch, n’aho! It wasn’t doing this to anyone else. I remember their teeth as they were chomping at the docks when they cane up dry. One was about a year ago, where I’m swimming in icy waters, and as I’m swimming with the pod they nudge me along to help me keep up. Sometimes its hot sometimes its arctic, but it seems to be the same Orca every time. Just wish I knew why. In the pool of water was a female Orca. Im trying to bookmark home page. I now feel as though my life will be made when I first see an Orca. I was obsessed with Free Willy and Sea World. But the people I’m always with in the dream won’t let me leave the area or look away. They belong here and God communicates through them. I know I need to be more social. Well those are my dreams. I dreamt about Orcas last night during the full moon. I felt no fear and only a powerful beast taking me beyond. People with Orca totem are highly intelligent and have exceptional learning abilities. The other night I dreamt I was hunting orcas from the beach. Sending love, Wishing you well and ease through this new transition… ☺️, I had a dream I was swimming in the ocean and suddenly I spotted what looked like a shark, I was a bit scared so I started swimming to shore and before i could get there I spotted 2 whales I believe were orcas, there was this kind of concrete pier but still submerse and i was on it, one whale was off the pier and bumping me off with its tail, they didn’t want to let me get out of the ocean, the other whale was “standing guard” on top of the pier, so only half in the water and making some agressive moves with her head/mouth to let me know I can’t pass by them. Suddenly dolphins with their bodied disentegrating behind them began rushing down toward me from the sky. But they showed no harm to us, only curiosity and playfulness. I wish I could understand it a bit better but right now I feel like I am in shock. It was really a sad feeling…. I’m walking along lake ontario (funny I know) and all the sudden a pod of orcas surface right along the beach, I think they are rubbing on stones on something. And maybe you are afraid of your Higher Self, symbolized by the water and creatures of Depth, that you perceive as Death and a Threat. Sorry about the long story. I dreamed about a orca that loved me .she could swim with or without water so then one day my mom she told the doctors that she had to get two teeth removed i was scared becuase my told them that they were not that good and could kill orca so then she left they took her so they do the surgery so then i started feeling so i went to room and saw very disturbing thing so thwn i got scated then i went back to check then when i was about to open the door to my room i saw someone crying but in my head i was like what happen so she can start crying so thwn when i was headed to my room i saw in the glass window that my brother was crying with my mom and my dad was waiting for me and i dint see orca’s fish tank so then i then i started to cry because i knew what happened so then i hugged my dad then i woke up crying.

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