When we open ourselves and accept forgiveness or ask for one, we free ourselves from hatred and pain. Violet Flame is the discovery of a lifetime. Almighty I AM! Saturate the earth and its people, too, When you’re familiar with the flame decree, you may close your eyes and envision the violet flame. They even wanted to fight for a poor and dangerous island like the Violet Flame Island. Especially dangerous are so-called radionics instruments that are used in a broadcast mode with patterns and persons broadcasting their own “healing energies” and patterns they have ginned up. He used to heal and help the poor and the suffering peasants. It teaches us to be more loving, compassionate, and forgiving when there’s hatred. This can make you grumpy and fatigued if you do not take care. Keep this visualization in your head while reciting the decree. An old WP story of mine. The positive energy of the violet fire helps you recover from the ill effects of negativity. It casts out all our doubts and fears and helps us feel and think more positively. It kills the tuberculosis bacteria in the air. “Complete surrender to the will of God for one’s life can often bring the desired healing into manifestation. It aims to change the metal (which represents negative human energy) to gold (which signifies positive divine energy). Make sure to sit in a comfortable chair, with an upright head, a straight back, and with your feet flat on the floor. )…the negative energy attacks are now less severe. And ultraviolet light has been used to disinfect the air in hospitals to prevent transmission of tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases. Removing the cores so that none do fear. Violet Flame Reiki Levels I - IV Manual v 1. But from their sooty flames emerged something new - a clean, … A gas cooker yellow flame is a dangerous safety problem, if it occurs with an indoor appliance like a gas stove. It is the most powerful tool we have for transmuting the negativity surfacing in our personal lives and on the planet. Saint Germain was the master alchemist of the violet flame who revealed its healing potential to mankind. It helps us realize we have the power to change the way we see things. Eventually they manifest in some form or another, even if we cannot trace them back to nonforgiveness. A “Chohan” or the “Lord of Ray,” is an ascended master in charge of one of the seven spiritual rays. They are a small and yet very powerful and dangerous group that maintains the quarantine status of planet Earth through a top quark-antiquark condensate located in Long Island, tied to plasma toplet bombs.” ... WE SEND THE VIOLET FLAME THROUGHOUT ALL OF LONG ISLAND from the place in the world where we are situated. We have seen a certain amount of this come to pass already, and Saint Germain has said that the amount of violet flame invoked by the evolutions of the planet has not been sufficient to completely transmute the karma. Trench [In Memory] Shared Blood. The violet fire can erase bad karma and alter the cause and effects of our past mistakes.Â. When we dwell on negative thoughts, anger, hatred, disappointments, and painful experiences, we make ourselves vulnerable to illness. 5 minutes with support act dangerous muse October 17th, 2014 | Mike Furey’s Dangerous Muse has been the most recent support act on Erasure’s The Violet Flame Tour and we caught up with him to find out how the Erasure tour experience was treating them… Once the gas forms, combustion occurs as the various molecules react with oxygen to produce the heat and light known as fire . It is one of the four elements that can rapidly transform something entirely. It does not remove the surrounding negative energy, but transforms it into light. A violet flame is a tool of self-transformation, but we must find the right mindset to make it work. Almighty I AM! Note: This site is reader-supported and we earn commissions if you purchase products from retailers after clicking on a link from our site. Sets the world, myself, and all life The violet flame consumes not only the outer manifestions of negative karma (the 'symptoms' that we see, such as ill health and financial trouble) but also its roots and causes (erasing the record of harm we have done others in this life or previous lives ). This is the Violet Flame-a spiritual light that actually transmutes and consumes negative energy. Ascended masters were humans in their past incarnations who have undergone spiritual transformations. Saint Germain is the head of the Aquarian age, together with the Goddess of Justice, the ascended lady master Portia. "Young Master, be careful. The Violet Flame is set for 6 (24 As, 2 + 4 = 6). I am looking for a meditation partner in the Pasadena Ca area (Please no mocking, this is very serious work) A violet flame suddenly began to blaze from the hand that Wang Chong had used to punch the giant. Eternally free in ascended master perfection. “God has already forgiven us, but many people find it extremely difficult to forgive themselves and continually revolve in their minds their shortcomings and errors.”. Saint Germain was an ascended master, a legendary Theosophical spiritual leader, and the Chohan of the violet flame. Call for spiritual protection first before starting the meditation. The keeper of the violet flame is Saint Germain, who is an ascended master. Fire’s main role in the violet flame meditation is the ability to transform. “We pay an even bigger price spiritually with longer lasting effects that can remain unseen for some time. The violet flame is a powerful symbol and form of imagery that can be used as a catalyst for our spiritual journeys. It diverts negative elements to opportunities and changes our perspective. A human being ascends once he reaches the Sixth Initiation level known as ascension. We pay the price in our bodies with a lack of peace, a dis-ease in our mental and emotional world, that often leads to physical disease itself. When we look at the bright side of situations, we release all the stress caused by the things we cannot control. What is violet flame healing in a nutshell, How you can use the violet flame for self-transformation, Find a way to heal your body, mind, and soul holistically using violet flame. An example of a more basic Violet Flame decree or mantra is “When Shakespeare wrote “The quality of mercy is not strain’d, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. “Each of the spiritual flames creates a specific positive action in the body, heart, mind and soul. Slowly recite: “I AM a being of violet fire! You can draw more light and strengthen the violet flames with more repetitions. It refers to the full union of a human being with his “Mighty I AM Presence.”. Violet flame is an absolut must do for each an everyone. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The action of the violet flame cannot be measured scientifically. Or the sun. Visualize a huge bonfire which is about nine feet high and six feet wide. I'd like to give you another example of how to invoke the violet flame, because it is so necessary in this age and it really is the key to our initiation in this new energy: I AM the violet flame In action in me now I AM the violet flame To light alone I bow. In living beauty is God’s own light. Each color has its distinctive divine qualities. When we invoke the flame of mercy as the Holy Spirit, it actually erases the effects, the memory and the cause of sin in our lives. The Violet Flame decree has great power within it. They both deliver the gift of freedom, justice, mercy, fresh energy, and a new civilization. “Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality. But the public only got to know about this sacred fire healing earlier this century. Why Does a Blue Flame Mean it is Safer than Red Flames? “Invocations to the violet flame can remove centuries of accumulated wrongs that have been stored up in the subconscious.”, “The ascended master Hilarion (the apostle Paul reborn) has given his students a decree called “More Violet Fire.” He calls it “my perpetual mantra, the unending river of violet flame.”. Or nuclear explosions. https://www.summitlighthouse.org/mp3/decrees/Lovely-God-Presence.mp3. 1 ©Gina Worthy 2002 Page 3 of 3 . The power to harness and focus energy using the power of the spoken word. You may begin with a few, slow deep breaths before invoking the light with the violet flame decree. To the Easterner, this would be the balancing of karma. When we let the divine light in, we accept things as they are and look at our mistakes as lessons. “This flame, then, is like a cosmic eraser. It helps us to be brave when there’s fear. “See the violet flame dissolving the cause, effect, record and memory of your own and others’ misdeeds. Violet Flame Meditation: 5 Steps To Harnessing Positive Energy, What is Prana Healing: Everything You Need to Know, What Is Violet Flame Reiki? Who Is Saint Germain of the Violet Flame? However, the case was different with Gray Wing Alliance. Excerpt from Hilarion the Healer: The Apostle Paul Reborn by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Although they look like fun, flaming demonstrations can be dangerous. “As you give this decree, commune with your I AM Presence. Transmuting the causes of discord here, “Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays. The violet flame neither takes away our problems or removes all the negativity surrounding us. The violet light is a coalesced healing energy of love, mercy, forgiveness, and transmutation.Â, The color violet ray has the highest vibrational frequencies that stimulate spiritual growth and has ties to transformation. The negative energy within us emanates from our emotional and psychological problems, producing excessive amounts of acid in our body. Raising all earth to heaven above. Also called the “Flame of Transmutation,” the “Flame of Mercy,” the “Flame of Freedom,” and the “Flame of Forgiveness,” the violet flame is a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative “karma” or blockages. “Don’t forget to bring to the words of the decree your own special images of what you want the violet flame to accomplish. Alchemy of the Violet Flame “The quality of mercy and the quality of forgiveness is the very power of alchemy that is in the violet flame. A blue flame means complete combustion is taking place. Look for BT ’s new project with Christian Burns, All … You don’t have to worry if you are just beginning to practice the violet flame of St. Germain meditation. By letting the positive energy flow, we help with the healing process and self-transformation. The spoken word is the most important part. This transmutation process is symbolic to the alchemy of self-transformation through violet flame meditation and healing. Hear me now I do decree: Let violet fire of freedom roll The blue whirl flame was discovered quite by accident just a few years ago.Scientists were studying a particularly dangerous type of flame - the whirls that, in wildfires, turn into terrifying fire tornadoes that wreak disaster, but that could be harnessed to generate power, or clean oil spills.. dynamic Green Tara, who overcomes obstacles and saves beings in dangerous situations." This monster is extremely dangerous. That last one will burn your retinas, which is why you don’t look at arc-welding flames. A gas cooker yellow flame means you should schedule a gas stove service as soon as possible. Violet fire now blazing bright, I AM, I AM, I AM Mike Furey's Dangerous Muse has been the most recent support act on Erasure's The Violet Flame Tour and we caught up with him to find out how the … VIOLET FLAME INVOCATION. Sorry, comments are closed for this post. When you invoke a ray in the name of God, it manifests as a ‘flame.' Sustained by the hand of heaven’s love, The full power of freedom’s love The violet ray is the seventh of these rays. “We pay a big price when we do not forgive ourselves and others. See this light being released through your chakras as streams of glistening energy going forth to bless and comfort those for whom you are praying. A human-manned space ship has finally left our solar system, but the moment it passes Pluto, it suddenly explodes. Similar to spiritual paths, it can be dangerous but beneficial if utilized properly. I AM this action from God above, You don’t have to worry if you are just beginning to practice the violet flame of St. Germain meditation. For centuries, alchemists have sought to change lead metals into gold. The Violet Flame Tour begins in Miami on September 12, with special shows through the US including Las Vegas in Halloween and New York City on New Year’s Eve (full details below). Healing Power of Violet The violet laser light is an accelerated and focused frequency of the violet transmuting fire. The Stellar Energy within Wang Chong exploded, instantly extinguishing the violet flame, but he had to expend quite a significant amount. When we invoke the flame of mercy as the Holy Spirit, it actually erases the effects, the memory and the cause of sin in our lives. Color the flame violet in your imagination and step into the flame. They would not be interested in the poor and dangerous island like the Violet Flame Island. It is also our best resource for transmuting and healing all those negative conditions that currently plague our planet, as well as our personal lives. The reason for this is that it … You can use the violet healing method in all aspects of your life and the conflicts you want to resolve. Be Inspired. We can treat illnesses with proper medical care, but spiritual energy also helps balance our physical, mental, and emotional health. Fire is typically thought of as being orange or red, but it can be other colors too. So they progress through red, orange, yellow, blue, violet, and ultraviolet. Which right now and forever But the real cause of disease is often rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. You could also be wasting gas. Just the acceptance of the words of the Christ, “Not my will but thine be done, Father,” can bring peace to one’s world.”. Be Empowered. Round the world to make all whole; Now, teachers’ and science groups have come out against one popular fiery demo, and in favor of a safer alternative. Be Connected. He was a French philosopher, inventor, courtier, pianist, violinist, and poet. The violet flame is able to transmute or mitigate our negative karma before it comes back to us. Archangel Metatron’s Broad Sword is in play. When the people do not put forth the light of the violet flame, then it is Nature that must enact the transmutation. “This flame, then, is like a cosmic eraser. By Andrew, source: The violet flame is a gift of light to all us from Mother / Father God. People believe violet healing energy to be a potent form of protection. It gives us peace of mind when there’s anxiety. They'll be joined by opening act Dangerous Muse. This movement is … It causes hormonal imbalance and weakens our immune system. Rarely do we see the deep violet colors in the hottest flames, because our vision is not sensitive to these wavelengths. Synthpop duo Erasure come back to Dallas in support of their 2014 album, The Violet Flame. With palms facing upwards, your hands should rest on your upper legs. The Theosophists believe that human beings go through different spiritual development levels as they reincarnate. Lovely God Presence, I AM in me, Whenever you work with the violet flame, ensure you keep yourself hydrated by consuming water frequently. Repeat this at least three to nine times at the start, and gradually escalate it to 36, 72, or 144. “If we will visualize ourselves standing in this sphere of violet light and feel that violet flame passing through all of our consciousness—our mind, our feelings, our emotions—this is the way to undo psychological problems, hang-ups, depressions, records of the past. No problem is too insignificant or too big to tackle with the violet flame. Almighty I AM! The hottest flame is violet on the color spectrum and white in the visible spectrum. The violet flame creates an action of mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation.”. “Visualize a waterfall of light descending from your I AM Presence. 9/6/2016 2 Comments I AM calling the Violet Ray in this now to descend in full power into my being physically, mentally, emotionally, etherically. You could compare this to a ray of sunlight that passes through a magnifying glass and creates a flame. With increasing Christ-radiance shining through. Copyright © 2021 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Facebook Twitter Google+ Linkedin Email. And Why You Should Know, What Is Chakra Balancing: Everything You Need To Know, What Do The 7 Chakras Mean: Everything You Need To Know. “The quality of mercy and the quality of forgiveness is the very power of alchemy that is in the violet flame. I have been attacked by dark negative energies and since using the violet flame and ArchAngel Michael blue flame sword protection everyday…(and sometimes the whole day non stop. It is twice bless’d:  it blesseth him that gives and him that takes,” he was putting in the mouth of Portia a key to the alchemy of this seventh age.”. I AM the purity God desires!”. Unless they are operating in the Christ Consciousness, the Sacred Fire level, their energies are not pure. It is definitely safe to harness the power of this healing method yourself. Violet Flame (part 6) Violet Flame (part 5) Violet Flame (part 4) Violet Flame (part 3) Violet Flame (part 2) Violet Flame (part 1) Dinner with Albert. This beautiful, blazing, singing flame is truly the wine of forgiveness, the wine of the Holy Spirit. Is the Violet Flame Dangerous? “An excellent way to clear away all this debris that is burdening us is to call upon the law of forgiveness and see the mercy flame—a flame of pink violet—sweep through every cell and atom of our body, and then just gratefully accept God’s mercy and his grace. Violet Flame Mantra for Health. It is definitely safe to harness the power of this healing method yourself. The type of fuel and impurities, in addition to the flame temperature, contribute to the color of the flame. Water helps to flush out toxins from the system. "What sort of monster is this?" “There is no need to go through hypnosis or regression, for when we call upon this action of the Holy Spirit, all our fears, hatreds, resentments, rebellions are dissolved in the flame, and we are restored to the newness of the Christ mind. I AM calling the beloved St. Germain to overflow my being with the essence of the Violet Fire physically, mentally, emotionally, etherically. The violet healing energy and reiki is an ancient spiritual healing tool that helps cleanse ourselves from all the negativity. It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. There is a relationship between flame temperature and color and a flame color temperature chart … Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. The Violet Flame can bring about intense healing and cause toxins to be released from the system. When speaking, speak with the authority of the Father-Mother God, always with the “I AM.”. On the physical level, the violet flame can help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to illness and disease. Learn more here. Types of flame color can come from the material that is being burned. Posted in Violet Flame Article Tagged Ascended Master Saint Germain, Violet Flame Post navigation. “A sense of guilt and a feeling of self-condemnation often stand in the way of the acceptance of our healing. The Violet Flame is invoked through using rhythmic spoken prayers called "Decrees" and "Affirmations." Our mental, emotional, and spiritual states significantly affect our health. By reading this article, you will learn the following: The violet light is the seventh ray of the divine light, which splits into seven colors or rays. The violet flame creates an action of mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. Saints and adepts have long known how to use the violet flame. “This mantra is known for its rhythm and for the spiraling action of the violet flame that follows the rhythm. They always watched Fort Udon closely. Feel the love of your “lovely God Presence” enfold you completely as you let go of all anger, worries, concerns and fears. The Violet Flame reflects the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine aspects of our Father-Mother God. You may seek to revitalize a personal relationship or direct the light to a physical condition or places that need healing. The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy. Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all. Bring to pass each blessing for which I call The Violet Flame Invocation to The Violet Flame is our greatest tool for expanding and enhancing our heart's tie with our very own I AM God Presence. As violet is the seventh and highest frequency within the spectrum of visible light, when projected into any situation or problem it manifests as an energy field of transmutation whereby divine alchemy or cosmic change may manifest. All you need is a peaceful and quiet place to say some prayers to invoke the light. This is where violet flame healing can help. General: We have a strong shield and armor set imbued with the “Violet Flame.” It may be the strongest defense of all time.

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