Differences might be that the sedimentary rock 2. Sediment is a collection of tiny pieces of rock. Crayon Rock Cycle Take crayon “rocks” on a journey through the rock cycle and discover the many changes that Earth’s rocks go through. I put a spoonful of each color onto each child’s piece of tinfoil. • The new crayon may be considered an igneous crayon because it does not have streaks, layers or grains, all of which are typical of sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. They can chose to mix the colors up or keep them in layers. ... Sedimentary rock is made up of layers of sediment. Materials Needed: crayons, several of… Children will need to have supervision while they create metamorphic rocks with the crayon shavings. (In real life, rocks are eroded by wind, water, or ice.) 3 Gather up the crayon sediment. Explain how a sedimentary rock is formed. Metamorphic rocks are created when rocks are exposed to heat or pressure. rock may become contorted in appearance and actually flow like a plastic material in response to the heat and pressure that is caused by the overlying rocks. Magma is molten (melted) rock. Float this foil on hot water. To make a Metamorphic Crayon: 1. Article by Science in the City, differentiated, hands-on curriculum writer, science lesson plans. Creating the Metamorphic Rocks. Step 2: Make sedimentary rock. Place a small pile of sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous crayons into piece of aluminum foil or foil cupcake cup. Sedimentary rock is formed when tiny particles are layered and then compressed. I thought we'd revisit the types of rocks again (sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous) - but this time give them a more active and visual way to think about how each are formed. • On your handout, in the box at the top of the circle, write “igneous rock.” Give each group two types of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. Step #2 – Give each child piece of tin foil and crayon shavings. 4. Crayon sedimentary rock Crayon metamorphic rock Crayon igneous rock Lesson 3 - Types of Rocks and Their Characteristics Objective: To determine common characteristics of each class of rock Materials: Various rocks of all three types Procedure: 1. There are many examples of creating rocks from crayons, but this pdf from the the Exploratorium is very helpful. We left the sedimentary rock (in the aluminum boat) in the pan of hot water until it had all melted, swirled it around (I think that represented the movement of magma) and then stuck it in the freezer to cool it rapidly. Rewrap the loosely compacted, sedimentary rock-type crayons shavings in the aluminum foil. 14. Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediments, or tiny rock particles, that were layered and then compressed together. 12. 3. Watch as the heat from the water transfers to the foil and to the crayons. Your coherent bunch of crayon sediments is now equivalent to a sedimentary crayon. (Sedimentary rock is formed when sediment is compressed with chemical reactions to help it cement together. This is similar to when you compressed the crayon shavings together between the foil. Discuss the similarities between the sedimentary crayon rock and the real sedimentary rocks the students observed earlier. Step 1: Make a sedimentary crayon rock. 697. 4th Grade Science Middle School Science Science Classroom Teaching Science Science Education Science For Kids Rock Science Science Fun Physical Science. This exploration uses hot that has come to boil. Sedimentary rocks have distinct layers of sediment and often have visible rock particles in them. (Both types could have different sized grains (shavings), different colors, and layers. Voila – igneous rock. The sedimentary crayon rock will be fragile but should hold together in a packed layer. Use old crayons to make crayon rock cycle - sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks! 3 Using the sharpener or knife, erode the crayons into tiny shavings and pieces. 2. Of all the crayon rocks, it was definitely the hardest. Step #3 – Make a sedimentary rock. 13.

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