Our 15 y.o. yipps:janetkessler Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It has been quite a few years since I read this article so I can’t remember the method of restraint but the researchers were definitely not sedating them. Same thing before we made transitions more peaceful with laws. But unbeknownst to the dog, and to the human owner, coyote family members are almost always close by. The best bait/lure is the one that works for you at your sets in your area. But glad he survived! The coyote will run off if he/she feels threatened or in danger. I really wish more people would take the time to understand these and other wild animals and learn to co-exist. Coyotes have mated with pet dogs, producing hybrid litters. Lucky Bridget! Thank you, again, for being supportive! Does this make sense to you? We are all part of the eco system and are part of the ebb and flow. Burnett said this will tend to make the animals more likely to approach people and become aggressive. They can cause a real danger when they interfere with local pets, for example, dogs, and they have been also known to assault animals and other creatures, for example, chickens and ducks. For 25 years I have thought that the mother of my coydog had been shot or hit by a car, I only wondered about it being a stategy when I saw another mother act the same way today. Territoriality is ownership, and others are driven out. May 01, 2017 @ 18:18:06. The mother was about 50 feet away when I saw her, and she limped off into the woods on one back leg. And we will keep enjoying just watching them. The Use of Dogs to Hunt Coyotes An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org FROM. I was wondering if you could help me understand an incident that we recently had with coyotes and one of our labradors. or is feigning an injury a stategy to lure predators away from the pups? I wish more people were as respectful as you are. I sense a general theme in this thread in that the dog is always at fault for intruding as if the coyote has title to the area. While it’s true that coyotes do attack pets, they probably won’t lure the dog into a trap before they do, Amy Burnett with the Arizona Game and Fish Department said in an email. yipps:janetkessler They are very clever and adaptive. The coyotes where you live much be special, because those of use who live in semi-rural and rural areas have lost plenty of dogs to coyotes who lured them away from safety. “About 10-15 minutes later, I got a call from a gentleman saying ‘Mackenzie, I have your dog.’ Mar 16, 2019 @ 20:57:32, Hi Sherilee — It’s hard to tell without being there and actually seeing what went on, but is sounds as though the coyote — after assessing that your dog wasn’t going to hurt him (after all, your dog gave up the chase) — might have been engaging in a little show of “oneupmanship” or even “bravado” — a kind of standing up for himself. :)) Janet, I also was believing of this lure in dogs to eat and believe it when I watched a documentary on coyotes here the other day and in the documentary they showed a coyote acting as if it was playing with a bison calf and the coyote acted as if it was playing but was trying to get the calf to follow and in the documentary they said that the coyote was trying to lead the calf off away from the adults to kill and eat it, so I made this comment on another post and others who study them let me know that the coyote that was in the neighborhood displaying the same play behavior so that is why I through that, so this coyote in this neighborhood and probably not near a den what was he doing with the dog, was he wanting to play, I mentioned that the dog should not be running lose because I knew that coyotes will eat dogs, can u explain to me here what was probably going on, yipps:janetkessler They do so to go hunting. If your dog would have turned on the coyote again, that coyote would have fled quickly, and the adults might have come to his defense, but that didn’t happen. Keep up the good work. They seem to keep their distance and watch us from afar. I hold no grudge against them, and enjoy listening to them howl of an evening. Just my opinion here. Coydogs have been raised in captivity. Each time we see it, this happens until one or the other gets bored with it and we/him/her move along. Another backyard tip is to install motion-sensor lights that are … Are you referring to one of the comments, and if so, which one? Your dog is not mistaking these sounds for the sounds of a dog. The most common kill style is a Sep 09, 2016 @ 17:30:40. Nature doesn’t operate that way nor is nature static. After she left, I could hear sounds coming from from the concrete pile so I guessed she had dug under them to have her pups. So at any given time, I can have several dogs of various sizes (though, usually small) in my yard and a coyote will just go by, not paying any attention to the dogs…. Another woman called 911 when she was being followed by a coyote the same day near the Shalimar Golf Course. When we saw the coyote, we hazed him (as we always do so they don’t become too comfortable with humans) and he left. Appreciatively! Coyotes are stunning species that can be found over the greater part of North America, and they preferably tend to live nearby mankind. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Then once that was over, the coyotes would ambush and kill the dog. yipps:janetkessler I don’t think this is unusual mother coyote behavior. I saw her only a few times, each time she heard or smelled me first and fled. Barking is not a lure. Learn what it's going to take from you—and Dog—to make a coyote come running. I waited another five minutes or so, (no more yelping), and then left. Again, please be aware of the power of myths. A good place to begin is with this presentation video: https://youtu.be/mr8XmM1bi70. Dec 02, 2017 @ 13:03:45. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out /  He said the coyotes would come lay on his deck with his dogs, when he’d come home the coyotes would leave the porch and scamper off. Coyote Scat is a sign of their presence, Some Dogs Can Sense Coyote's Presence in an Area, Como espantar a un coyote para que se vaya, Farms and Ranches: the Futility of Killing Coyotes as a Management Tool, How To Handle A Coyote Encounter: A Primer, Ciudadanos Coyotes: Vamos a conocerlos: Una introducción, Coyote Town: Leave SF's Coyotes Alone, by Julia Wong, Coyote Whisperer Warns of Coyote Encounters During Pupping Season, Family First: Wily Coyote's Here to Stay, by Linnea Due, How To Coexist With Wild Coyotes — From SF's Own 'Coyote Whisperer', How to get Along With Coyotes As Pups Venture Out, Bay Nature, Janet Kessler: The Urban Coyote Watcher, by Leath Tonino, Making Peace With Coyotes by Tripp Robbins, On First-Name Basis With San Francisco Coyotes, Photographer's Raccoon Adventure in GGPark, San Francisco Residents Coexisting With Coyotes, by Robin Hindery, Sharing Bernal Hill With Our Coyote: A User's Guide, The Bernal Hill Coyote is a Female and Human "Kindness" Could Kill Her, The Coyote Whisperer, by Shelby Carpenter, Citizen Coyote: Let's Get To Know Them: An Introduction, CoyoteCoexistence Facebook (alternative link), History of San Francisco's Native Plant Program, NAP, International Consensus Principles for Ethical Wildlife Control, Micromanagement of Nature Benefits Few Animals. I’m sure there has been some form of play between dogs and coyotes, but what I have seen is less “play” and more “testing” activity. If you can’t train them, you should restrain them. They do the same to outsider coyotes. Again, just my opinion. (Easier, more available prey) While generally, they just come get their prey, they may not all be opposed to luring on occasion, if it better suits their needs at that time. In addition, allowing your dog to interact with a coyote on any level just breaks down innate barriers that keep both species apart and safe. I was out walking this morning with two of my dogs following. Dec 18, 2017 @ 21:45:30. Dear Bush Girl — Thank you for sending this, because it is a beautiful example of exactly how myths are born. THE HAMMER is a powerhouse coyote, fox and bobcat lure that strong and works on the nervous system on two different levels for predators. But if that’s the case, what actually is occurring for people to fabricate such an idea? I do know coyotes who befriended a single female coyote in her territory who showed them around. He said he just kind of stood there, transfixed, watching this go on for some time, the dogs would chase the coyote, then the coyote would chase the dogs. We were out with our dogs feeding our horses a few weeks ago. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I had to read all your posts & the comments to have that myth start to disapate in my brain. The Pit Bull. I’m sure that most people would say that he was trying to lure him to be attacked by his waiting companions. Daniel J Morgan-heredia Especially when you apply some coyote math to the problem. A dog can boost coyote success, and just may be the perfect predator-hunting companion. One of our labs took off after a coyote that was next to the horse corral. its not that they actively lure its that they play with dogs and dogs follow them back to the pack. Anyway, thank-you for sharing actual knowledge and facts about coyotes. I once read in San Francisco Golden Gate Park researchers restrain a coyote to draw blood & tag them. 2 dogs posed a threat to the area, and took chase. There is a den of coyotes that live just by the wetland. We have peacefully co-existed with coyotes and actually appreciate the job they do helping to control the rabbit and rodent populations. Our dogs are never allowed out at night so I’m sure know it’s safe for them. $9.99 $ 9. Feb 09, 2020 @ 18:05:00, Thank you, Robin, for your comment. Change ). Hi Bush Girl — Thanks for your thoughts. One day, my pup pulled the leash out of my hand after the coyote came out of the tree line.. Johnny ran through very thick blackberry bushes, and was several hundred feet deep into it when he got stuck.. However, today I happened upon a coyote den. If you keep your dog leashed in coyote areas, or leash and walk the other way the minute you see a coyote, you can minimize the chance that this will happen. This is the only information I have. Please re-read the posting to know what is going on. 1) The only collaring and tagging in the city are done EXCLUSIVELY in the Presidio, NOT in Golden Gate Park. This website reflects my 13+ years of intense, careful, and dedicated field-work — empirical observations — all photo-documented without interfering or changing coyotes’ behaviors. Light up Your Yard at Night. I’ve taken note of other inter species relationships when hunting for food but this one is definitely the most interesting! So when someone uses coyote calls or an electronic caller would that not be considered a lure? LURING is to attract or entice the dog into a trap to kill and eat it. Luring is a very effective way to hunt. And once the dog encounters the other coyotes nearby, they will help their family member by attacking the dog or chasing it off. I went riding over the weekend with my dog. But, these animals are beautiful. Be welcome here, enjoy, and learn! Please note that “luring” into a trap situation to kill is very different from “leading” a dangerous animal away from pups. What’s happening is that your dog is pursuing coyotes whose voices he recognizes as coyotes. You have written what you *believe* is going on, without a shred of evidence except your own fears. Sep 16, 2020 @ 00:20:55. It certainly struck me as some type of feigned injury ambush strategy, although they certainly would have had a hell of a time with those two dogs. The two know they are different from each other. Lucky you! Keep up the good work on educating people. My dogs had apparently obeyed my calls and headed back home. Here is the story of coyotes and badgers. Coyotes tend to go for small prey (both my dogs were small, very old and sickly), and I dont think you need to worry about your big dog. Please help by being an ambassador for them. Five years ago I watched a mother coyote raise her two pups singlehandedly (father coyote had been poisoned) after being hit by a car. No — I’ll fight you for it”. Get it as soon as Wed, Feb 24. Just curious! We have to wait until the sun comes up to walk our dogs. We’re trying to explain behavior and prevent conflict. I would love to see it! According to the Game and Fish Department, people in the Tempe neighborhood where this particular coyote was spotted had been leaving food out for it. yipps:janetkessler Milligan's Cat-Man-Do Bobcat Animal Lure 1 oz. A yellow lab and a mix. Coyotes often work together in a pack ~by Shutterstock This is a true story of how coyotes work together in a pack to lure dogs, and it’s not the only incident we’ve had over the years. thats when the pack realizes they arent one of them and will kill them. Please read the comment again: it was about “luring”, not sex. yipps:janetkessler Yes, intruders, as in your wolf example, can and have taken over a territory. Your “territory” is your claimed home area. Janet. Janet, I live in a semi rural area of Missouri and I can assure you that coyotes DO ambush prey. I couldn’t see anything, but the coyote continued yelping. Please keep your dog away from these wild animals if you want to keep them safe! Janet, the difference, luring and ambushing boils down to semantics in this situation. The dogs want to defend their territory, in this instance the coyotes are definitely the intruders. Skyler and Ada started running after the coyote, (he said not in an aggressive way at all, just like would run after another dog) caught up with the coyote, one of them kind of yipped, they all turned around and the coyote ran after the dogs. No, coyotes don't lure dogs into an ambush by the pack. I don't know if "lure" is the right word. Feb 05, 2020 @ 02:51:24, It’s really important to look a little deeper than simple appearances. Kessler goes on to say that the only luring a coyote will do is to lead threatening animals away from their pups. Outdoor Hunting Lab Rabbit Urine Scent - Predator Hunting Odor - Dog Training - Trapping Fox and Coyote Attractant Lure. You are speculating that the coyote is “luring” the badger to his death. Tesen had enough time to register the “fat tail” of a coyote before the animal took off through a nearby field with poor Stanley in its jaws. Dogs are territorial also. The coyote just has no use for them. $12.95 $ 12. Coyotes are the canine equivalent of mermaids. When they capture a coyote to do these things, the coyote doesn’t “play dead”, but rather gives up struggling until the handler lets him/her go. This happened with humans: “Get off my land! 4.1 out of 5 stars 79. I can see that he may have been very curious why my dog only followed him for a short distance. That’s simply a coyote running away from danger and then its family members appearing to help him/her out. Was the other dog there, also lying down? It would seem easier to build an understanding between us. I don't allow my dogs out alone, and I have a stun gun with me at all times. yipps:janetkessler I was beginning to think if the bait wasn't natural and from native food sources the coyotes and fox weren't interested but then I caught two 'yotes this year on Mighty Dog dog food in a can ( Lamb and Rice to be exact ) so go figure. Whenever there is a void in knowledge, the void is filled in with what there is: speculations, rumors and myths that pop up suddenly or become legendary and grow over time. They’re very good at luring domestic dogs away from yards. yipps:janetkessler The coyote’s yelping was actually triggered by the presence of your dogs in what they consider their area, possibly close to other coyote family members or even in a denning site. [Wikipedia]. Hi Bo — I’m sorry the coyotes are an irritant for you. How do coyotes kill their prey? yipps:janetkessler Coyotes are not pretending to be what they are not. im a park ranger and ive seen it a few times, yipps:janetkessler That was the first sighting.” Mackenzie was worried the sighting might be a scam, which is known to occur on social media during searches for lost dogs. Your mom's dog might look like another coyote to the coyotes. (He was one that used to try to tell me the stupid scare stories, that I never bought!!) Your post above makes sense to me regarding how this can be a myth. Coyotes are smart, and they do attack pets, but they probably won't try to lure your dog to its death. Randall S Hardy $10.68 $ 10. Note that none of the coyotes I document and photograph is “anonymous” to me: I know (or knew) each one of them, and can tell you about their personalities, histories, and  their family situations. However, animals may also imitate the behavior of a small rodent or alternative prey item for the predator; imitate young or nesting behaviors such as brooding (to cause confusion as to the true location of the nest), mimic foraging behaviors away from the nest, or simply draw attention to oneself.”, yipps:janetkessler by Charles Wood, Urban Coyote Myth: Coyotes Luring Dogs to Their Deaths, Yuck!! I miss the interaction, but it was probably for the best. Distraction displays are sometimes classified more generically under “nest protection behaviors” along with aggressive displays such as mobbing.These displays have been studied most extensively in bird species, but also have been documented in populations of stickleback fish and in some mammal species. Janet. We called him & he immediately came back to us. If your dog was confronted by more than one coyote when it went off chasing one, that’s not a lure. Coyotes know a dog is a dog right from the start — they don’t suddenly “realize” anything different just because other family members have joined them. Mother coyotes may do the same later on. Fathers actually eat the food and then regurgitate it for the pups. They will smell a coyote long before you see it. Coyotes reappeared in San Francisco in 2002 after many years of absence, and people are still in the dark about them. From what I’ve seen, what “looks” like “play” behavior should more accurately be described as “testing” — testing how far the dog will go in terms of approaching the coyote or being aggressive, testing the dog’s good or ill will. It’s best to keep dogs leashed in coyote areas and away from them. But if that’s the case, what actually is occurring for people to fabricate such an idea? Ha ha makes semse with the rest of your story. Canines have been man’s companion since cave man days. An AZGFD officer interceded and killed the coyote Sunday night, the department said. Jade — You are incorrect. The dogs were quickly out of sight, but I could hear the coyote yelping all the time. check out this video you can see a coyote leading a raccoon to its death, acting friendly. He started yelping, and I was a bit concerned that the coyote may come back and attack my dog because he was utterly helpless. When I think of all the things canines can learn, they constantly amaze me.https://youtu.be/25lzRlwz_u4, yipps:janetkessler Both are large, athletic dogs who have survived plenty of coyote interactions (they’ve never injured or killed any to my knowledge). I’m sorry but the article here is completely inaccurate. Cavens Yodel Dog"Coyote Gland Lure" 1 oz. Trapping is a highly regulated activity and … Nov 21, 2020 @ 12:55:09, Hi, thanks for the info. Coyotes are smart, and they do attack pets, but they probably won't try to lure your dog to its death. Here is the story of coyotes and badgers: https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/coyote-and-badger-hunt-together. There was no “luring” going on, they were absolutely playing, more like loping after each other and they never got any further away from my ex, so yeah, NO LURING going on. Like many other myths, the story about the coyote luring a dog to its death probably started as a misunderstanding. I’ve seen this distressed yelping behavior often. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. A coyote simply isn’t capable of “lying” to a dog by pretending to be its friend or developing a plan to lead it into a trap. Depending on the time of year and on the amount of easy food available, their dog-baiting intentions range from the romantic to the sinister. Nearly every day, without fail, we would see a young coyote that would come out to greet us… Johnny would get very excited, and the coyote seemed to know my dog was on a leash and just walked around acting as though she wanted to play.. We would sit on the grass and just watch each other from a short distance for about an hour….She was beautiful.. I used to walk my Jack Russell Terrier, named Johnny in an open field near the forest. Sounds to me like the yelping was an alert. I think you might have noticed that the “play” of coyotes with your dogs doesn’t resemble that of play between your dogs and other dogs, nor does it resemble coyote/coyote play. We were going down the trail when we saw a coyote. There were 3 of them. They do come in closer at night because our motion activated cameras have caught pics of them. The coyote had the chance for itself, or family members to kill Johnny before I had a chance to start freeing him, but nothing happened, except for my dog being frightened , (by his own misdeeds:) Coyotes make all sorts of sounds, and barking is one of them. 95. Fewer people will approve of killing them if they find out how sentient and family oriented they are; they they each have individual personalities, mate for life, and dad helps raise the youngsters. Just respect their space, like we humans respect (mostly) everyone else’s space or home as theirs. ( Log Out /  :)). That’s all that needs to be done! You are doing great by giving the mother you saw today a wide berth. A video shared thousands of times on social media has many repeating an urban legend about urban coyotes. And they are more than welcome to take as many rabbits and pack rats as they can possibly consume :), yipps:janetkessler This kind factual information is what people need so we can coexist with coyotes. But I am curious why that coyote would risk following an 85 pound dog. Coyotes have indeed grabbed small dogs, but it’s not because they were “lured”. A single coyote will imitate the barks of my dogs. Dogs are the opposite: they’ve been bred out of these traits to be companions to humans. So do dogs and coyotes actually play together? Once introduced to myths for which no other explanation has been offered, the fabrications often stick and it’s hard to change them. I think their behavior most likely is determined by their environment. Apr 23, 2019 @ 22:04:16. Maybe you can help explain this scenario. Also, if this was in fact a “hunting” strategy, then because of its “uniqueness” in the mammal world, it would have been noticed and studied and written about by the many scientists who have studied coyotes — but nothing can be found about it in the scientific literature. Randall S Hardy Please learn what you can from this site and let people know the facts AND how you feel. Sep 16, 2020 @ 00:15:36. Burnett said if a dog finds itself facing more than one coyote, there was likely no premeditation involved. You need to train your dogs to not go after coyotes. The story tells much more about coyotes than the maligning luring myth does. This is how I would interpret the play you are describing. Hey Jade — Yes, HUMANS indeed do “lure” their targets with all sorts of deceptive imitation calls, pretending to be rabbits in distress or something like that, to deceive the coyote. I so love when I hear them behind the house at night, it’s beautiful. Our dog stopped chasing other animals about 2 years ago when he lost his hearing AND became arthritic. My ex started yelling as he was worried about the dogs, but quickly realized that they were looking exactly like all dogs when playing. deaf terrier was ambushed on our front porch 2 nights ago. They are a predator after all and humans without experience around them should be cautious and attentive to their dog. Mar 12, 2019 @ 14:12:50, Thank you, Kathy, for sharing this. Sadly, we never saw the coyote after that.., I would call out to it but it never showed itself again… I believe that the chase frightened it so much that it decided coming out wasn’t worth it anymore:( Naturalist Janet Kessler, who has observed urban coyote behavior for more than a decade, explained on her website the myth comes from the fact that coyotes tend to travel together. And yes, it was probably for the best, but I’m so glad you were able to enjoy him/her for the time that you did. 4.3 out of 5 stars 19. The Presidio is a federal park under a different set of rules, and they have been tagging and radio-collaring and drawing blood, but they are going to stop for the foreseeable future, I’m told. When a coyote and a dog were spotted playing together in Tempe, a lot of people were concerned the coyote was trying to lure the dog back to the coyote pack so they could attack. If you continue to scare them off, they’ll eventually, probably, stop coming back. Just my opinion, but the yelping to me would be… Help! Nov 23, 2017 @ 05:15:53. 99. So it sounds as though your pup was indeed attacked because the coyotes thought of him as prey. or cats. From what I’ve seen, it’s mostly a kind of good-willed “fencing” and testing whereby each side — dogs and coyotes — actually keep an agreed upon distance between them, and whereby they each read the other’s body language for any hint of negativity. There have been over 100 of them, distributed among over twenty families, all in San Francisco. These are defenses to threats, not *lures*. A Game and Fish officer responded on Sunday to a call of a woman being nipped on the pants leg by a coyote in the area. We live in a rural area with our horses and 3 labradors. Coyote Urban Myth 1: Coyotes luring dogs to their deaths People’s interactions with urbanized coyotes have given birth to several myths over the years. Coyotes are smart, and they do attack pets, but they probably won't try to lure your dog to its death. These are very intelligent animals and very capable of learning. Janet. The posting to which you are responding was written based on many, many documented observations of this same behavior. She brought a hoe. It took over an hour for her to bring it to and It took several hours of exhausting work to get to him. So what is actually going on when dogs chase coyotes and eventually they find themselves confronted by more than one coyote? Mar 11, 2019 @ 19:19:19, Sounds perfect! In fact, it’s simply an urban myth that coyotes lure dogs to their deaths.

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