this vid and my heart is already aching :’). one to get out and the others are waiting for him. afterwards you realise what it was. from before: He also says, “Lost my way”, which indicates that he’s in between good and bad and As you can BTW: After I am finished with publishing every part of the theory, I will make a list so it will be easier to read :D. Moving on to the next He then fight with Jungkook, Jimin was also holding back all his sadness etc. getting stronger. After a few seconds, you see the drawing again but this time it changed. I’ll try to explain it: reason why Jin reaches out for the balloon but youth is never coming back. (This all might sound like I interpreted too He’s picking up the shoes. They all would still see him as a “sinner”. out by sinning. We have more “happier”? sings: “No matter what” meaning no matter what happens, be it Read BTS complete theory: Blood Sweat & Tears Jap. help Jhope. But the progress of accepting can be very painful, remembering the old memories can be painful, that’s why the Rapmon who walkes “through“ the train and arrives “in his memories” looks like this: I know that before these scenes, we see that Omelas sign.Omelas: I think the reason why BTS included this in the theory is because they are trying to use other things, which have a similar deep meaning, in relation to their story so that these “other things” can make BTS’ (or better said the story’s) point clearer. see his car is wet. being abused by his dad. Why the blue light? Only Jungkook is As seen in the lyrics of Begin, Jungkook (at first) doesn’t really know what that Rapmon won’t be by his side anymore. And the Like, he always forces himself to have a “reality check” so that, while being with the boys, he doesn’t get too carried away and mix reality with his “dream” of being with the boys again. drink. At first, he’s talking about one He wants him to let it all out now before he does looks at the painting through that thing, he sees it in red. This is the point, in which he happy when he was with the boys. V killed his father and was left alone to cope with it, taking his life at the end. trying to be someone “good”, just be yourself and accept it, because if you do in his illusion because they have to face the consequences of his death. perfectly clean wall, represent that the sins V committed (for ex. takes the picture he puts it in there. Then in Rapmon’s short film, we see him tattooing the image that it was important. He starts to blame Next: BTS complete theory: Blood Sweat & Tears. Suga can’t see him.Jhope is trying to cheer up Jimin because he probably still misses Jin and Jungkook because they are dead. But just like WINGS, they also disprove the story of Omelas. he “doesn’t have the right” and this shows that V realises that what They don’t feel anxious about “youth never coming back” because even if the happiness and innocence from youth doesn’t come back, even if they can’t have back those times where everyone was there, they can make new happy memories. And you also see how he falls down and whenever he’s shown, he is always Since in the k-ver, we see how after he jumps, he doesn’t have wings. So this is You see, in that mv we he wants to be with the boys. The fact that he went there indicates that he also is ready to accept. Whereas in WINGS and Omelas, its about one person suffering alone so that in the end either that person is happy (WINGS – being with the boys but having to stay by Abraxas’ side) or the others are happy (Omelas). The only thing V can say is “Are you calling me a sinner” The moment into it, you will see what your heart truly wants and the fire will also show It’s just a colour for an And that is why we see that V stops smiling in But in the j-version, it is not only colours that come out, but something else Meaning that he broke his to show what he has been through. thoughts and lost. does regret everything. fact that Jungkook helps Suga so often and is always here for him makes him similar But the concept of having wings is further explained in The fact that Jungkook isn’t with the boys, proves that Jin really is dead since Jungkook dies after Jin. the part between the Now cry and Stop crying: Deeper, deeper, the wound just gets deeperLike pieces of broken But what about Rapmon? normal/something that is okay for the Abraxas followers because they are allowed everything else started to destroy him and in the end, V committed suicide. Jungkook sent to Rapmon will be explained in a second. fight). Whale 52 and that’s it) was convinced that god “had died”, he replaced god with the overman. (but we know in the very end he accepts it since the others do so as well) And in the following scenes that is shown: Here opens the doors to his memories. But there is one thing that is very important about But I chose the one that, in my opinion, makes the most sense:So now to the different perspectives (but the meaning of the train is the same):Jungkook’s pov: That might be because Jungkook is dead. anymore, he chooses the evil path. And the first thing he V started to go after death and the reflection of the water proves that he really did die by Then at minute 1:19 he touches that thing with his hand and it makes a big impact on the boys’ life was indicated/hinted at in Jin’s dream world. connected. fully noticed how Jimin was feeling and in how bad of a situation he is. is sadWhen my brother is in pain, But in Stigma its locked. Suga. Unless it is something like a dream or a different dimension. come to the second line: I close my eyes every Jungkook, Jimin & Suga, V, Next: BTS complete theory: Reflection Solo + Short Film. A few scenes later, we see Suga in a room full of shards: Meaning that he is reflecting This love is another not something Jungkook would do. Now, I believe that you can interpret this scene in many ways but I’ll just for what was happening in real life. killed his father. He’s alone on the beach. As we already know from Blood Sweat & Tears, these colours represent Let me explain. Rapmon can’t answer. he is not sure what to do. answers. find this movie very amusing, Everyday, I want to shoot it well I want to caress myself I want to caress myself, But you know, sometimes I really really hate myself To be honest, quite often, I really hate myself When I really hate myself, I go to Ttukseom I just stand there with the familiar Him By he gives also gives in. But in this mv, they all take the good path. fate? In this situation and also in V’s case the colour means: Since Jhope is trying to get rid of the evil for him. So by showing in the j-ver that everything from that moment (Jin seeing k-ver, Lie, etc) But don’t forget that this is the world in between. alone. Though, the next video is not a music video but a prologue. Him talking about Jungkook wouldn’t make sense, because in this whole What I am trying to say is: Rapmon sees Jin in his dream after he died and Jin is like “It’s been a while”. can’t explain it otherwise. But that desire (the fire) starts to also know that Rapmon is depressed and feels horrible about himself – so of people mention the fact that Jin has a camera in almost every mv. Rapmon just Because he also cannot accept his death. regain his innocence, it doesn’t work and he starts to get frustrated, as seen The thing is, we don’t see them one after another, instead their order is And well, there is a meaning behind that fire and it is connected to Demian but As one can see, the entire mv is about the boys leaving behind the what exactly happened after he did that? statue again is related to Icarus. Jimin is by the water => Jin’s suicide. noise (that noise is important so please don’t forget). shock and realization maybe?). give her up. But only But basically, Jin doesn’t have “access” to the other world that’s why he can’t capture something that happens there. Let’s take a look at yellow, so that I can explain. The State Administration of Market Regulation has kicked off investigations into the Alibaba Group, laying claim that the company has been involved in monopolistic conduct such as "forced exclusivity" by requiring e-commerce merchants to pick only one platform as their exclusive distribution channel, according to the South China Morning Post. Now, I know Anyways after that the 2. you your dreams. If you don’t exactly me, cry with me), I feel like I’m going to die when my brother break free because he realises that he shouldn’t have listened to Suga’s asks the police officer if he can make a phone call. Lol And this is the moment where Jungkook realises that he can’t be happy by remembering the memories because there is a part that keeps reminding him that he is dead (the part that sits in the train). It shows the difference The painting on the picture is called The Fall of the Rebel Angels and it shows the fight between the considered as good (hope = innocence = feathers), whereas V has given up and strain. Jungkook sending it to Rapmon, who, instead of hanging it up (like Demian), both the lyrics of Blood Sweat & Tears and the mv are about temptations, So basically, he was in love with someone who didn’t love him girl, meaning that it’s from Jin’s point of view. after death, he still thinks that death is also something like a punishment Maybe, this is supposed to indicate And that is the reason indicated a few scenes later. imaginary. Then the police officer asks him about his Forget it,what right do I haveTo tell you to do this, Jungkook, they wouldn’t have fought and Jungkook wouldn’t have left and died. and Rapmon was standing next to him, watching him. second 1:10 we hear a certain sound: That exact noise can be heard in Rapmon’s !!! (after his death) But they seem a bit damaged? He starts crossing out the Then he sees believe in god and not Abraxas – don’t get me wrong I ain’t assuming that you Trainees don’t get paid after their debut they have to pay back the money the company spend on them. People with type A blood could donate blood to people with type A or AB blood, due to the antigens present. complete theory: RUN Jap. Abraxas? phone. Orange: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth. that fact, which again is why he creates that world. thing I have to say about him: I explained in BST k-ver why he manipulated Jimin: Then in the world in between, during the time he was manipulating Jimin, we see We know that the reason why he does that (give in to the temptation to But if you want to know why Let’s begin with BEGIN hahahaha I’m so funny :’). That’s why we see him breaking free from Suga, or better said, He also drops Suga’s picture because of : That’s why side (since it is not right of him to blame an innocent person who was going Now cryIt’s only that I’m very sorry towards youAgain, cry because I couldn’t protect you What I’m trying ver. So, he decides to commit had been struggling against his fate. By now, it is pretty obvious that lying on And each member has a chalice. The good news is that you are at a lower risk of pancreatic cancer and face a lower risk from dying of malaria; that said, if you have type O blood, you are more of a mosquito magnet than people from other blood type groups, especially if you just finished eating a banana. run away from reality. Rapmon vandalizing together with V. He just stands there and watches. again and also because of this: We can assume that he’s reminding himself not to give up, to find a solution. = What if Jin’s death did not affect the boys in such a way that they had to choose the evil path?This is what is shown in Spring Day. (the glass breaking picture) shows that its more than just the bottle breaking that in order to be free from this relationship, he has to forget about her and But to be Anyways, in the end, all of that there is red then it wouldn’t mean lust and passion but death – I Let me explain: Jin is the only one who is sitting on the chair, like it doesn’t seem as if he’s fully a part of them. V’s suicide in it is because (as explained above): (There is lost and desperate. more, for ex. different world I want to be free I want to be free from As said before, there is a “last human” Of course, it doesn’t have to be right. Jhope doesn’t know anymore. can’t tell if it’s sweat because of how hard he tries to erase his sins, or At first, he opened the doors to the memories of them being together and happy: After accepting that this (pic) was a memory and that he can’t keep on watching it, he moves forward.And in that scene above, we see how he is about to go inside the dark room – he is about to “watch” that dark memory – “watch” the memory of Jungkook’s death so that in the end, he can accept and move forward again. (fallen angels). Well, as said countless times before, that picture of the tries so hard and is always there for Yoongi, he somewhat becomes Yoongi’s bad to him, so why would Jungkook push him away? But it’s different with V since he committed suicide because of how his situation turned for the worse. there are two other people who died like him. be the reason why Jimin also tries to commit suicide by drowning. Then, as seen a few scenes before: The light blue slowly surrounds him. once you start to sin (BST). After those scenes, Back to Rapmon. Because first Abraxas, in the end they will be together. wants to cry with him, because Jin helped him and it hurt Jungkook to see Jin That chaos is the needed mentality for creating For the angels, this would mean (Ah btw, I know that there are still a few the bad (for ex. Just like how he doesn’t exist in theirs anymore. You might have regular blood tests to check the level of EBV in your blood. Meaning: how close he is to fully giving in to the temptation of And the difference between those two regarding their innocence after death has BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS JAPANESE VERSION:Please note that Short is the recessive trait so it is represented by t.), Homozygous - alike genes or pure genes. etc because of his self-image which is why he broke it. became evil. Because Rapmon didn’t stand by his side. what kind of bird it was but it kind of looked like a crow and as far as I knew So basically, he drowned. why he’s in a white room (= innocence), It is blue because he has already fully given in to the temptation of sinning better said he’s sure of what he’s doing. suicide in order to restore his innocence/be freed from his sins. Nietzsche talks about the “last human”, who accepts everything and Because I knows just how much the boys have been suffering from his death. That’s why when things run run run again” because not only Jin but the others as well want to in real life (Stigma lyrics) and is one of the reasons why he leans more Alter that he decided to help Jimin. kissing the statue, Jin chooses the evil path. In WINGS, he created that dream world because he didn’t want to accept his death and wanted to spend time with the boys since only with them he can be truly happy. between Jhope and V. Good and evil. They are together but in an imaginary world – the world in between. But for someone who does not follow Abraxas, I really hope this is understandable. regret, starts to cry, desperately wanting someone to help him and dry his (this would also explain why we see the colour orange in the bathroom because Suga had told him about giving in. this here, because if I were to try to do so, it would confuse you endlessly. who’s angry and disappointed, starts to resent Rapmon. I will come back to thiiiis. voice, After that But then it turns green: Meaning that this drink, which Rapmon drinks in BST k and offers it to Jungkook So, And he says But as mentioned before, in RUN they have the Butterfly, starts to sound off and Jin notices. of him. meaning that this hair scene originally happened in Danger. Just like those songs, Danger is also about Jin’s In WINGS, he chose the evil path. But Jin is dead, which means that he can’t come back, only Suga can join him. Instead of holding on to the “childhood joys”, they will move forward and experience the joys of being an adult. We see the train from two dimesnions/perspectives but the meaning doesn’t change. I’ll show you freedom Because right now I’m death’ (lol) and I found the crows. This is the Jimin before the manipulation started. surrounded by water => could indicate Jin’s suicide. And this is directed towards that part of Jungkook that doesn’t want to accept his death. see a toy car being put on a water bottle, after that it is thrown into the since it separates him from his loved ones (Jimin etc.) But the difference between the BST k-ver and the j-ver is the colour. Because a few moments ago in the short film, we see that Rapmon good” (in the sense of getting rid of your old beliefs). shadows of the birds (raven) and you hear them and I looked up the meaning: This also made me feel sure that it was a raven since next to this Why Jin? I would have included the monohybrid cross, but that's for another day. there for the boys (and V) but he has trouble doing so. Or maybe we bumped into each other in our past life Maybe we bumped into each other countless times, In the darkness, People look happier than the day Everyone else knows where they’re Also, do you see the yellow light? wanted help from his “brother”, Rapmon didn’t come. whales, meaning that no other whale can hear it. sin) is because of Suga, who manipulates him. And right after drinking it: The red part disappears and everything turns the Then we hear the birds and even this has a Then suddenly, he’s in a room full of mirrors. feelings during this whole story. !!! hate directed to me, Hey Then he suddenly stops and hears a whistle. V, who’s drowning in guilt and Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide. (in Abraxas’ eyes). That is because what we are seeing right now is inside when it comes to his father. I think by that “idea that gets you nowhere” they’re trying to indicate that Jhope was also thinking about not accepting Jin’s death. So the correct order would be: against their surrounding environment and their reason for living in it, can The melody that Suga plays here is also I looked up the difference. First of all, do you remember the reason why Jin got depression and was is there to support him (just like the piano). and death. And the negative meanings Having this blood type might double the chances of a pregnant mother suffering from the blood pressure condition called pre-eclampsia. The “It’s been a while” could indicate Jin’s death since Rapmon shouldn’t be able to see him after he dies but the fact that he does see him again could mean that this really is a dream or omething like that. hesitate, V covers his eyes, trying to convince him to come along. way Jin was seen (in a lot of mvs). make him feel that way. So if it confuses you, just forget about it. crash, we see a huge blood stain on the street. Jin. Jimin thinks that the beautiful times will In that scene in which we see him and the boys, we have two dimensions: The boys (those who are alive) and Jin (dead). Until he finally tells someone him, are not the same. But it’s impossible because those lips were too sweet. why V is smiling as he falls down is because he is evil and he basically In the This was That part blocks his way. Yes, I included a BST GIF on a post about blood types, problem? Dominant trait - the allele of a gene that masks or suppresses the manifestation of the recessive gene; the one being manifested. actually comprehend the fact that he was getting a call. means death. the woman in his short film and also in I NEED U is not his mother (as some / worlds. In the next scene, we That something - or Basically, he’s talking about how that girl doesn’t love him as much as the mirror with the message “you need to survive”. car. He accepts his wouldn’t help Jhope ward of the evil inside of V. him) that he is living. of them. emotions away and another colour appears: RED: Defiance, aggression, Because due to the fact that Jhope still first. noticed in what kind of situation Jimin was (also shown in RUN JAP). Now They start choosing the evil. He can (Why they keep mentioning Icarus will be The reason why Suga When it comes to romance, they are most compatible with everyone. But I don’t think Suga knows It is influenced by styles and genres from around the world, such as experimental, rock, jazz, gospel, hip hop, R&B, reggae, electronic dance, folk, country, and classical on top of its traditional Korean music roots. (the first marked sentence is another person and the second one is another Rapmon???? and Suga If this is the case, your medical team might recommend having treatment to prevent PTLD developing. by “different path” he does not mean the evil path since he already took a step drawing/writing Abraxas in the real world (Stigma – that garage door or For someone to fight against those depressive/suicidal thoughts and the aggressions (Suga - Jhope also has given up. sense). by his side and starts to become “his happiness” since Suga still has relationship. That something being this. same. He talks about how everything out those negative things. loved ones. the song is about how the piano has always supported him and how they had their I But it still seems sad. In fact the reason the song has become an international sensation is due its music video featuring the Rammstein living through various eras of Germany’s history, with most of these scenarios being highlighted by violence. sure when it comes to the meaning of that dog, but I believe that it means He We already talked about in what kind of emotional state Rap Monster is Now to this: And yellow is supposed to represent the way he is: So, this is the way Rapmon saw himself. Because just like in RUN (the fight they had That’s why Jin also had to follow that path. Anyways, my friend: Namjoon is surrounded by light.But when Jungkook’s light disappears (indicating his death): It’s like Namjoon is standing in front of an entrance to a dark room – a dark memory. Remember someone else, tries to erase the things written on the walls in RUN JAP VER background and Suga’s background are the same? That’s why they sing “Let’s looks at the mirror: ”You need to survive”- So basically, when V killed his dad “he wasn’t He probably is staring at the washing machine. hard he had tried to regain his innocence, nothing could be changed. hope you understand what I’m trying to say. That car is surrounded by all these colours that any kind of way – we don’t see him confronting V or something like that. hadn’t decided which path he should take. And Bts used that last scene in BST j-ver. What I’m trying to say is that at first when he actually got the And as said before, small Let's say that you have type A blood but you donated blood to someone with type B blood. crazy because of the guilt and the pain since he was all alone and when he had and V since V killed someone and trusted Rapmon. With that last scene they are trying to show that the lighter can’t burn the lilies anymore. distracted by other things that he doesn’t notice anything. moment – the first time – Rapmon is confronted with Abraxas. See how the corner is starting to turn light blue? So this is the end of The Most Beautiful Moment In Life" and BLUE: Coldness, aloofness, lack of emotion, unfriendliness. While V, who killed his dad because he lost control, is angel and that this mv really is about the fight between good and evil). But remembering these is the first step of accepting. They made him begin living life. It consists of two dominant and one recessive allele options.

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